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About Voritax

  • Birthday 06/05/1990
  1. Voritax

    X/Y Secret ID

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if there is a way to know the secret ID. I know my TID and TSV if it is needed. Can somebody help me please? Either telling me how to search for it or helping me doing it? Thx in advance
  2. Cosmodius, that AR code for the Pichu is PERFECT. Thx a lot. May I bother you with the wonder card for last November Arceus event?
  3. Hi, I´m new, so if this question needs re direction sorry in advanced. The question is What happened to the site pkmndb.org? That page used to have all the files needed for the pokemon events and I thought it was administrated in part by the same folks that administer this site. Do you know where I can download those files?
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