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Posts posted by Cael

  1. you can use PK3DS to randomize but to play Randimozed/edited roms you need to make a dump w/ uncart (if on 9.2) or braindump (9.3+ w/ *hax 2.5) and manually patch your roms

    (grab Pack Hac 3.5 for RomFSExtractor and extract your romFS for manual patching and RomFSBuilder for rebuilding it after.) w/ a Edited RomFS/prepatched one (shame on you if yoru pirating!) you then need to open it in an Hex Editor and Strip the first 1000 Bytes (in HxD use select block and set end length to FFF)

    with your now edited and header-less RomFS rename it to the title ID for example if its X USA then you must rename the romfs.bin to "00055D00.romfs" and copy it to SD:\hans\ (yes you nee dto have a hans folder at the root)

    then open HANS and target your Game in the pre-launch options set romfs ->SD to yes. with randomized games thats got a working CRO Edit you want your edited code.bin renamed as titleid.code in that hans folder and set to YES on code ->SD

    if your edited Code/romfs is valid and proper you should boot to 2 glitched screens then the game. if its invalid or you F*ked up along the lines you will only stay on a glitched screen.

    for Pokemon X&Y you need 1.7GB free

    for OR/AS you need 1.8GB Free

  2. i'm thinking if i can find one slim enough the overall Easist solution would be a button cell clip that holds a CR2032 for easy down the future line battery maintenance as opposed to having the prongs desodered and pried off the old battery, get the new one have it spot welded(risking damage to the battery) and sodering back on everything risking even more damage i realise if i want to simply play Silver w/o dealing w/ the battery fiasco, just snag Soul silver for the DS but i didnt spend $$ on getting a GBC and on this cart to simply say "screw it lets go next-gen!"

    as for clips these look about the same in size and by teh scale of the preview's its hard to tell how big they are.




    if the clip idea is feasable, anyone know of one thats thin and small enough to fit inside the cart?

    as for the GBC itself it needs some tender care but its working w/ pokemon TCG (TCG's inside the GBC when i took this.)



  3. Your firewall is blocking the external connection. Anything internal will work, and anything external will not; it wouldn't matter which version of IR-GTS you use.

    New releases available! This one should fix the stat oddities previously mentioned when sending a 136-byte pkm to the game. I've also changed README.txt to be a URL for the IR-GTS wiki, so I can keep it better updated. IR-GTS v0.43 and BW v0.04 are now up on the Google Code site.

    Prob is IR, both ports were forwarded Properly.

    ok i cannot get the script to run under OS X Tiger on my old mac what so ever,

    "cael-thunderwings-imac:~ caelthunderwing$ ./ir-gts-bw.py

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "./ir-gts-bw.py", line 11, in ?

    from src.pokehaxlib import initServ

    File "/Users/caelthunderwing/src/pokehaxlib.py", line 15

    vars=dict((i[:i.find("=")],i[i.find("=")+1:]) for i in request[request.find("?")+1:].split("&"))"

    ok now after i found out why That kept happening (despite 2.7.1 was installed OS X was using 2.3) now i get an Invalid Syntax error when i open ir-gts-bw or the gen4 vers.

  4. i can connect on my Same network w/ my own DS's but when i try to have a friend Connect... it'll get as far as connecting to the WFC but not to the GTS.

    EDIT: ok he was trying from Diamond (which i dont know if this is B/W only or if its properly accepting local connections yet as i lost my saves on Diamond and platinum. will try later if it wont accept an White or black connection online. to set my firewall to DMZPlus to this PC (i see in my Firewall log my friend trying to connect.)

    info 2011-04-10T15:52:12-04:00 fwmon: src=[FRIENDS IP ADDY] dst=[MY IP ADDY] ipprot=17 sport=2285 dport=53 Unknown inbound session stopped This is from a Diamond connection attempt.

  5. i found one but anytime i edited Yellow's SAV it says Internal Data file is Destroyed upon loading loading it in vbagx (GBA/GBC/GB emu for the Wii)

    i would patch the rom for certain cheats but i cant find an app that does it so i decided to look for the old pokemon save editor. since vbagx doesnt have any cheat options (all GB/GBC/GBA emus on the wii lack cheat support)

    any ideas if there was a tool updated for Yellow?

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