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  1. I just tried loading the save. Unfortunately I still get the save file is corrupted on start up. Maybe the cartridge is faulty? its pretty old. Thank you for the help though at least the save is split.
  2. Hello! I hope this is the correct place to request for help! I have a physical cartridge of pokemon Diamond a few years ago i remember playing the game for a bit beating cynthia and then opening the game up the following day to see that i had a "The save file is corrupted the previous save file will be loaded" I essentially got stuck right before cynthia so i decided to delete the save file. Upon deleting the save file i got a new message saying "the save file was deleted due to corruption or damage". It still let me make a new save file so i did so. When it tried saving it did a normal save once and from that point onward every "first" save would be really short and the second time saving after would actually save the game. I gave up and recently decided to try and dump the save into PKhex from my 3ds to see if i could learn anything and from here i learned that the save file pkhex was loading was not the new one i created but my old save file i originally deleted. Checking Boxes in PKhex shows lots of red spaces in the PC box which appear to be bad eggs/error handlers and all the box names are entirely blank. I tried to delete/rename everything and load it back into the file but upon loading into the game i simply get the new file. Upon some research i learned that its possible? PKhex is loading the active save and the new save is using the backup save. I could be wrong because i am not sure how any of this really works but I'm hoping someone far more tech savy than myself can help me out here so i can actually use my game again in a normal capacity. I also should mention whenever i load the game up i get "the save file is corrupted the previous save file will be loaded" In the file linked below is my "new" file named Estelle but pkhex loads the "old" save named Don and all its data instead. If anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it! POKEMON D.0.sav
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