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Everything posted by dickbert

  1. Thank you for your answer! Logically thats what I thought first. But when I do mixing records -> choose 1x eon ticket -> save - nothing happens (no item, no boat acces, flag 2227 not set). I thought you need a second person for..^^ If it usually works I would prefer mixing records. I am using WC3 plugin 2.2.2 beacuse of your NET9 comment with newest pkhex.
  2. Hello, I followed all steps (plugin shows up in pkhex) and everything seems to be working for me. Using Emerald. No error and I got the item (Eon ticket in this case) but whats the way to get acces to the boat? In pkhex the flags for southern Island are not checked.. I only got the item but there are missing event flags. What am I doing wrong? ^^ Thank you and sorry for my bad englisch
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