Hi, I'm making this topic in order to get more clarifications and help on creating legal pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
First of all, I know since gen 5, PID is quite no more related to IVs. IVs are now tied to seeds, right ?
So my questioning is : as long as I got a legal PID, does editing the IVs will make this pokemon potentially not legal ? As an example, I'm trying to get a 3- 5 IVs chimchar, If I take the one with wanted nature I caught, can I change its IVs and it will still be legal ? If not, is there any program that could tell if this mon could get these ivs on a specific seed based on your TID/SID ? I'm talking about any encounters (static/ wild).
My other question is about BDSP. Do I have to use Overwold8 to create legal mons or Pokefinder ? Cause I saw they have a section for Gen VIII, but the TID/SID always change to the max value, I guess the developper is still fixing this issue.
Thank you by advance for all the responses that could make me understand better how all of this work out