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  1. Anyone ?
  2. I finally got it, I was just on a not hittable seed. I changed for many others and found the jackpot
  3. Just do as I did, Take a gen III template from encounter database and edit it with the values found on Pokefinder or RNG reporter. Or just play S/R/E on emulator, inject aurora ticket if it was distributed in your game version and transfer your (shiny?)Deoxys to Gen IV/V/VI/VII > Bank > Home to get it in BDSP/S/V. Or either just use PKhex and a sysbot to get it in the switch version you want. Maybe check PID mismatch section for gen III, it's not that hard, very well explained.
  4. Hi, I'm making this topic in order to get more clarifications and help on creating legal pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus. First of all, I know since gen 5, PID is quite no more related to IVs. IVs are now tied to seeds, right ? So my questioning is : as long as I got a legal PID, does editing the IVs will make this pokemon potentially not legal ? As an example, I'm trying to get a 3- 5 IVs chimchar, If I take the one with wanted nature I caught, can I change its IVs and it will still be legal ? If not, is there any program that could tell if this mon could get these ivs on a specific seed based on your TID/SID ? I'm talking about any encounters (static/ wild). My other question is about BDSP. Do I have to use Overwold8 to create legal mons or Pokefinder ? Cause I saw they have a section for Gen VIII, but the TID/SID always change to the max value, I guess the developper is still fixing this issue. Thank you by advance for all the responses that could make me understand better how all of this work out
  5. Hi, I'm exposing my problem. After many attempt of RNG abuse on Colosseum, I wasn't able to land on the right frame the Espeon I want. So I tried with Pkhex, through many ways to get it but PKhex tells me it's fishy cause they're no correspondance to any RNG encounter Can anyone help me to get my Timid nature Espeon with good IVs please ?
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