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Posts posted by Dybala

  1. 17 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

    Rolling the RNG forward with a known seed is instantaneous; determining a seed from resulting values is not. Since a shiny xoroshiro result does not have the original PID, there is a much larger space of possible seeds to brute force and check if they can result in all the values of the entity.

    A non shiny has 32bit EC, and a 32bit PID.  A shiny only has the EC and 16bits of the original PID. So to check it, you have to try to guess (2^16) different original PIDs, which is 65535 times slower than an instant check. Such a computational requirement results in a not-instant result, which is infeasible for real-time legality checks.

    I'm sorry I'm asking more, but what if I test him to see if he's legal or not?
    Or do I just have to import to pkhex and then CTRL him when calculating the data of the non-shiny Pokémon?:$

  2. 5 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

    There isn't an efficient algorithm to check for the origin seed of xoroshiro shinies.

    May I venture to ask why?In my previous reading of the following articles I guessed that  Standard den RNG chained calls if not shiny.

    if shiny, it does a unconnected reroll of the PID. 

    What I'm a bit confused about is that in ‘https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/RNGWriteups/blob/master/Gen 8/Raid Generation.md ’ it mentions something about ‘EC’, “pid”, “shiny” and so on in order?
    So at the end when doing the rolled to be forced shiny, is the pid directly (just) randomised to ‘xor=1/ psv=real tsv’ and forced to be shiny, or is there some kind of formula?
    (i.e. does the correlation of pid to ‘IV’ etc. not factor in?)

    So what is this article about the ‘shiny’ step for? To make sure that Pokémon are forced not to be shiny during battle?


    https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/RNGWriteups/blob/master/Gen 8/Raid Generation.md     



  3. 13 minutes ago, Dybala said:

    pkhex 用于 'shiny' raid 生成合法性检查,仅检查 psv 是否等于 tsv 以及 xor=1 是否?

    0800 - 奈克洛兹玛 - E2D64881453E.pk8  这是原始文件。

    0800 - 奈克洛兹玛 - 66C54881453E.pk8   这是我修改后的“非法”文件。

    0800★ - 奈克洛兹玛 - DD144881453E.pk8  这是我在“非法”文件上按下“ctrl”和“alt”得到的结果。“pkhex”表示“合法”,但我很困惑。

    https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/RNGWriteups/blob/master/Gen 8/Raid Generation.md

    I remember reading this a few years ago, but I'm even more confused about it than I was a few years ago

  4. On 8/28/2024 at 6:42 AM, Kaphotics said:

    The nature selection you made isn't a filter for the results, it is a specification used by the game when generating results. If the nature is random, then the game uses the RNG to get a random nature, otherwise it doesn't use the RNG.

    Look at the Height and Weight. Notice how they're not the same between your two screenshots. One consumes an extra RNG call, which shifts the later calculated values like Height and Weight to result in different random values.

    If you use the encounter database with criteria specified in the editor tabs, then you should be able to get something close enough to use bottle caps on. No need for other external tools.

    pkhex for the ‘shiny’ raid generation legitimacy check, only check if psv is equal to tsv and if xor=1?

    0800 - Necrozma - E2D64881453E.pk8  This is the original file.

    0800 - Necrozma - 66C54881453E.pk8   Here's my modified ‘illegal’ file.

    0800 ★ - Necrozma - DD144881453E.pk8  This is what I got by pressing ‘ctrl’ and ‘alt’ on the ‘illegal’ file.  ‘pkhex’ says “legal”, but I'm confused.

  5. 39711  or  39771    haha

    1 hour ago, hrsh said:

    嘿,我正在使用最新版本的 pkhex,但当我将 PID 设为我想要的 PID 时,似乎仍然无法让闪亮的光泽保持下去。当我输入 PID 并检查口袋妖怪是否有效时,它会失去光泽,如果我只设置口袋妖怪,它也会失去光泽。

    屏幕录制 2024-08-27 下午 2.45.27.mov

    You entered ‘tid’ as 39771, but you used 39711 in ‘pokefinder’.


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Andy2k said:

    This method allow players to receive old mystery gift with correct date without using switch-time to change server time?

    emmmm, this will help you to correct the time when you don't use ‘switch-time’ to get the ‘gift’.

    And change the order of the ‘gifts’.

    In general, this method can only change the ‘display’ of the interface, but not directly obtain the ‘gift’ .But it does avoid the use of the ‘switch-time’.

  7. 1 小时前,Kaphotics 说:


    您的保存文件的页面脚注无效。使用十六进制编辑器从另一个正常工作的保存文件复制最后 0x200 个字节,并用它替换您的保存文件的最后 0x200 个字节。然后,使用 PKHeX 打开并导出。

    更具体地说,偏移量 0x75E00 预计为“BEEF”,而您的偏移量为 0(未初始化)。

    I see, thank you very much for the method, can I ask about the Pokémon archive data structure on the Internet there is no relevant guide!:$


  8. 3 hours ago, jorikdeporik said:

    您说的“旧文件”是什么意思?sav文件是我在SD卡上的指定文件夹中找到的-我第一次处理此类文件,不知道预期的文件大小应该是多少。此回复中附有作为备份创建主文件 PKSM,这有帮助吗?顺便说一句,非常感谢您对此事的关注!

    國際 472千字节 · 3 次下载

    The file format is correct, and by comparing it to some normal "main" and "control variables" your file is not seriously damaged, but I don't know how to fix it, and can only hope that your "pksm/backup" has more backups in it and is undamaged.

    Since "pksm" recognises the "main" file, it probably means that the data recognised by "pksm" has not yet been corrupted.😿


  9. The corruption of this file is almost impossible to recover compared to a normal "sav" file

    27 minutes ago, professorbill said:


    是的这就是我发这篇文章的原因,寻求帮助,看看是否有任何方法可以从这个“.sav”文件中恢复任何信息。但是,我检查了游戏的内置电池,它没有问题,所以我不认为问题出在这里。另外,我还用其他口袋妖怪游戏的EPILOGUE GB保存了“.sav”文件,它们保存得非常完美。



    屏幕截图 2024-07-30 012737.png

  10. On 3/17/2024 at 1:45 AM, Day.9 said:

    Hello, thank you for your contribution. We have received a lot of help here. Could you please answer one of my doubts? Can I change the order of receiving mysterious gifts? My account received some official letters for 2022 before, and now when I use the plug-in to receive fake gifts from 2021, there is a problem in the order of receiving, is there any way to solve it? Please forgive me for my poor English

    You can refer to:https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/65520-about-the-mystery-gift-data-block/

  11. 38 minutes ago, kamikoi said:

    I'm Japanese, so is there a way to use PKHEX to change the trainer information (ID, secret ID, parent name, country, region, 3DS region, etc.) of all the Pokemon in my box at once? I'd like to change the country and region to Japan.



  12. 5 minutes ago, Dybala said:

    So how do we do the conversion?
    That is through UNIX timestamp conversion
    However, instead of being converted directly through the input, it needs to be reversed, as in the diagram "A2 F2 A4 66". We need to convert it to "66 A4 F2 A2" and then convert it to decimal and use "UNIX timestamp conversion" to convert it to time.



    The acquisition time of the "Mystery Gift" interface can be modified by reverse operations to solve some people's needs

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