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  1. Edit: misread and didn't read the custom firmware part, sadly the console i have access to is vanilla so i guess no fixing things for me.
  2. Recently came across Pkhex as a possible way to fix nicknames of home-origin mons. I have the original color magearna, problem is, the nickname it currently has, and unfortunate memories to that nickname, I've been meaning to use pkhex to fix that, however, i have no access to an emulator or rom. I've tried copying my save file from the switch SD card onto my pc, i'm not sure if i've done it right, i've got the file, but pkhex says it's too large, and if i'd manage to get it into the threshold, would i have to get it back to the original size it was originally in? If anyone has sources to help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate being directed towards them. I'm quite attached to the magearna, it took me a lot of work to get it, and i simply want to fix it's nickname, to reflect it's ribbon and title ("the cherished") to something more befitting
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