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Posts posted by Waldtox

  1. 16 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

    Invalid save file format, completely wrong size. I was able to rip out some PK6 files though (3 party, 41 from box). Should match what you mentioned (Treecko, Mightyena, and Pikachu-Rockstar are present).

    extract.rar 9.11 kB · 4 downloads


    Jazakallah brother.

    You are such a nice person. I just actually restored my save file using pksm. Idk how it worked but pksm was able to load the save file and there was an icon in the bottom left corner of the bottom screen(just opposite to save) and when I touched it, it loaded the game from the last time I saved the game. And then the game started working normally afterwards. Hope this would help anyone else experience this very issue. Pksm turned out to be a life saver. But this doesn't deny the fact that what you did was beyond commendable. Hope I could repay you with something. Anyway, keep up the good work.

    TL;DR: Thanks a lot @Kaphotics. There's another way to restore your save, which is using Pksm.

  2. @Kaphotics hey man, youve been helping people out a lot lately. The thing is my Alpha Sapphire save file got corrupted today while I was saving the game, it had all the pokemon I transferred from previous games and it means a whole lot to me. Can you please help me out here as well? I would be so very thankful man. I dont know anaything about save files manupilations, and am totally helpless. I tried opening it in Pkhex but it was for naught. My stareter is Treecko and I also have a cosplay pikachu and a Mightyena in party and have alot of mons in the PC.


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