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Everything posted by MelvinC

  1. That’s great!! Thank you so very much ill rest assured
  2. Thank you so much! May I ask, can checkpoint also inject HGSS save files into genuine physical cartridge? I’ve read somewhere that HGSS saves are encrypted a different way or sth? Thanks again :))
  3. Hiya, was wondering if checkpoint can back up my r4 SDHC cart saves the usual way? I have a lot of games on there but I just wanted to back up one game’s saves, but it seems to have just backed up everything? or is this a moot question? Do I just have to insert R4’s SD card into a PC for backups? Thank you everyone for reading!
  4. @Kaphotics Oh my gosh thank you ever so much -- they are where I left off exactly! Just tested it with the 3ds and everything works as they should. I never thought I would see my save file again. thank you for developing PkHex and what you are doing, you have demonstrated love brings people together, and it is the most heartwarming thing I have experienced. Thank you thank you and thank you, Pokemon people are the best people
  5. Hey @Kaphotics, my oras file was corrupted yesterday as well I found this thread and hacked my 3ds just to dump my save in the file below. PKHex won't open my file either, but I have tried to compare it with a normal save with a hex editor like you said earlier and it seems like it is not nonsense? Is there any way you could take a look for me please? You would make a Pokemon and 3ds newbie very happy and much less dead inside :)) info that might help: game was played on a Japanese cart with the native English language option, game was ORuby, starter was a grovyle Just in case you could have a look for me in the off chance, thank you times a million main
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