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Everything posted by gimmi

  1. I tried it and followed the same steps mentioned on top, but nothing changed. Is there any mistake in my operation?
  2. seed 00346A95 EC 22D1D4F0 PID C6A8C6A9 HP 5 ATK 31 DEF 1 SPA 31 SPD 31 SPE 31 nature relaxed tera DARK height 171 weight 175 scale 186
  3. I'm new to tera-finder,and I generated a shiny Gimminghoul by what some tutorials told to do. But now a problem happend that its seed is invalid when I checked it in Seed Checker. Here's my procedure showing how i generate it: 1. Opened tera-finder by Standalone not from pkhex, and only imported portal event but no game sav file 2. Let Raid Calculator generate shiny gimminghoul seeds and I randomly chose one to export as a PK9 file 3. Opened pkhex and imported this PK9, recording the pkm's information 4. Back to tera-finder, typed pkm's information into Seed Checker and check it. The output showed the seed was correctly calculated, but "INVALID" followed it I'm confused with this phenomena
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