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  1. The seed bots avaliable on that discord have had to go offline currently due to someone having essentially hijacked it. Are there any other discords that anyone knows of that still have working bots with the capability to host from a seed?
  2. I'm sorry if this may have already been answered elsewhere, but I have some queries regarding generation 9 genning. I've mostly only genned in older generations requiring additional applications to locate correct pid/iv distributions. However, based on what I've been able to find pid does not relate to iv or ec in this generation except in the case of tera raids, is this accurate? And if so does that mean that theoretically you could gen any pokemon other than this without issues, and would this still hold true if you made the mon shiny? Want to make some shiny hatched mons as well as paradox so wanting to find out if there is anything extra needed to make it seem legit? Appreciate any help - thank you. Just saw on the side of this forum that this wouldn't be meant for here and should be in the legality part instead apologies.
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