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  1. Wow thanks, it worked. Didn't know empty bytes were a thing. That's really weird. I took the base from the encounter database and never used an OT ending in "i".
  2. Sure. Don't see what's wrong with it. PKhex says it's legal, the PID XOR is 0, SID is 0, IVs are ok, date is ok. Tried changing the OT, nature, TID, ivs, rerolling PID, but nothing works. edit: problem solved. Had invisible bytes after the name. Using the clear trash option fixed it.
  3. They enter Home from Sword and never been on another game.
  4. Yes, I created them in SWSH (pk8). So the only way to keep the OT on a Go pokemon is by cloning an existing one with a valid tracker? I've seen some people on reddit and discord with the same problem.
  5. Hi. I'm trying to create a few pokemon from Go, more specifically shiny Mew and Celebi. Both are legal and work fine but when I trade them the OT is replaced with HOME. Tried with many different trainer names but it keeps happening over and over again. Is the OT being flagged because the Home tracker is empty? Or what is causing this? edit: problem solved. My pokemon had extra bytes on their names. Thought pkhex cleared them automatically.
  6. Hello. I'm making a backup of my entire shiny living dex. Can't extract my Switch saves because it's patched so I've been using Discord SysBots instead. Already done with SWSH, PLA, BDSP and SV but for some reason I can't fin a way to dump my pokemon from Let's GO Pikachu, and all the SysBots out there for that specific game don't have the dump option. Is it something possible to do?
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