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Juan Carlos Fernandez Piña

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  1. I used the 2.0 and 2.1 versions, but still, if the savefiles are unusable there's not much else to be done right? thanks for the help
  2. But it doesn't make much sense since I downloaded another savefile online, and I could import it to the cartridge, so idk why I can't backup my cartridge savefiles.
  3. It also happened with my pokemon Ruby savefiles, they appeared corrupted if I recall, so maybe the problem is in the GBA backup?
  4. I'll send you what it says when I return home, but still, I see that the GBA backup really messed up that savefile, idk what it did.
  5. I can't execute that in my computer, not even in administrator mode, so I don't know. In any case, it seems that my saves are completely corrupted and unsalvageable so I don't think I'll give it much more thought, I screwed it up when I should have checked first before restoring a corrupted savefile and deleting the old save, thanks a lot for the help still.
  6. The GBA backup tool made It that way, since It already had a .sav file with the same name, when I chose to make a new file it had that extension. Thanks for replying
  7. I don't think it matters but I did glitches ingame, like the dewgong with a 1HKO high priority move, and the Vileplume with an instant flee move, or hatching glitched eggs with legendaries like Deoxys and cloning stuff, but maybe it does so I'll send it.
  8. Hello, new user here. I heard about GBA backup tool to get my savefiles saved, and I wanted to do it on my old emerald cartridge, so I downloaded it, and made a .sav savefile a while ago, some time later I wanted to send some pokemon from it to my diamond cartridge and reload that it so that I had them again in emerald, so on top of that first savefile, I made another savefile .sv1, but when I reloaded that savefile, I got the NEW GAME menu, tried the old savefile too, but still nothing, I checked the HxD hex editor and saw it had many 00 and FF, after searching a bit around here I saw that the savefiles were corrupted, so I wanna know if there's any way I can recover the game of any of these savefiles and what to edit in them, or if they're useless and the game lost. I'll also attach the .gba rom, I thought it was legit since I got it from an official store, but just in case. Thanks in advance. POKEMON_EMER_BPES00.sv1 POKEMON_EMER_BPES00.sav
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