I keep missing the event timelines in SV, so I am thinking to mod my Switch to catch up on them. I have some questions. This is what I want to do:
Get past Tera raid events
Do tera raids from a specified seed
Get Mystery gifts from wondercards
These are my resources:
Switch OLED
Macbook Air
All my games as physical game cartridges
And these are my questions:
Is it easy to set this up? I don’t know anything about sysnand, emunand or CFW.
Can I keep getting the official mystery gifts and tera raid events online if I mod my switch to have a “dualboot” setup? Without risk of getting banned ofc.
Can I keep using pokémon Home to send pokémon between my different saves?
If I do get banned, is that just my physical Switch that cannot go online anymore, or is it also my nintendo user profile that is tied to my pokémon save? I’m thinking if I could then just transfer my pokémon save to a new switch and keep using it online.
Can I do all this on my Macbook if I set up a Windows partition on my Macbook and then use the necessary Windows programs? I tried the setup like a year ago, and kept getting errors. Any advice of how to succeed with this?
If I do all this, catch up on the events, can I then just go back to original firmware on my Switch and it will be like the Switch was never modded?
Will my Pokémon Violet save file have any signs in the data or coding that it has once been modded in any way? I’ve read online that the save itself can be marked as illegal, not necessarily the pokémon inside it.
Hopefully I’ll get some answers about this, thanks for your time if you read it!