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Everything posted by avantearpeggio

  1. Thanks!! I think I figured it out after putting your file on via my SD card reader. I was using Hekate's mounted SD card functionality, and I think that ejecting the SD mount doesn't properly buffer out all the bytes when doing it via Hekate, or when it closes out the file descriptor is ends up jumbling a few bytes. When I transfer to my SD card by using my SD card adapterit seems to work with the auto-legality mod!
  2. Thanks! I wasn't sure if that was allowed but I guess it doesn't matter since this file is never going online. The only change in main_bad and main_bad_noimport is I toggled the pokedex to have all pokemon be seen. main: clean file main_bad: restored to this save file, then reverted, no longer opens in pokesav main_bad_noimport: have not restored to my switch yet, same change as main_bad, still opens in pokesav main main_bad_noimport main_bad
  3. Yeah I tried with the auto legality plugin and the game still complains about not being able to recognize the save. It seems to just be really unhappy with touching anything that isn't money or LP I might just dig through some pokemon other people upload and see what happens.
  4. I've tried editing in smaller chunks to see what works and doesn't work: Works: Editing Money and LP Doesn't Work: Adding items Editing the pokedex to have all seen Adding legal pokemon I'll try progressing more since I think it might just be tied to progression flags...
  5. Using: PkHeX 221218 Switch FW 15.0.1 / Atmosphere 1.4.0 Violet - 1.1.0 Currently at 1st pokemon center JKSV 09.01.2021 Dumping the save and restoring the same save works fine. I've edited the save to have a few new ditto in the box, and the pokedex to have all pokemon as seen, i also handed them a few ability patches as held items. When writing that save back via "Restore" in JKSV, I get hit with the "save couldn't be recognized" error. The legality checker seemed okay with the pokemon, and I was able to restore the non-modified save without issue, so I'm not sure if there's something else I'm doing wrong. The file sizes are the same. Anyone else having issues? Do I just need to progress further?
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