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Posts posted by BarkingFrog

  1. ...

    So ASP.Net cannot read files using streams? That seems like an odd limitation.


    However, there are thousands of lines of code to go through, so it will take me a while.


    I don't thinks so, ASP.NET can do stream read and stream write if I'm not mistaken.. how about the file permission? no problem with that?

    Don't worry, without documentation we just need to brute force the function.. but with that it make a little relax.. :grog::grog:

  2. This is nice, but documentation will make this .dll more beautiful..

    why? .dll can be used by any application in the world *as long as it run on windows, i think.. don't know about linux and mac, never build app on linux, and building for mac is 3x harder because using Objective C*

    if you use Visual Studio family it's just "Add Existing Item" -> browse -> bla.. bla.. bla.. and all the function is showed up.. how bout the other that doesn't used Visual Studio family.. i think a documentation would be very nice to them.. *No offense, just suggestion..*

    A function documentation, how to used it, what parameter, just function listing, that would be enough.. *just assume that everybody here at least know how to use .dll, don't care if they don't*

    my regards, and thanks

    P.S. It's a cool .dll



    Now I just have to find some use for it.

    [Edit]: I know! Something Impractical!

    Yeah, use ASP.NET.. but it will cost a huge bandwidth..

  3. ... though I dont know if I have anything to grab packets and such ...

    if just grab packets, use wireshark, or wpe pro..

    use your router to get the destination address from NDS Wifi Connection, then sniff it use that tool.. somehow I manage to get the packets when trading through GTS, but I don't understand it.. *so i decided to abadon it*

    Another way.. use router to find destination IP and Port, create a simple program to listen to that port.. change your Computer IP match the packet destination IP, use your router to redirect it..

    hope help.. :bidoof::bidoof:

  4. I wish that i don't need to buy any game cart again, and i hope it's automatically updated, pokemon diamond/pearl -> *automatically updated when platinum released, and automatically transfer all my pokemon* -> pokemon platinum -> and so on..:creep:

  5. I used XP on my Desktop, and Vista on my laptop, it's true that vista is a little buggy at first, but it's better on SP1 and getting better on SP2, but.. if I can give you suggestion, just wait until W7 is released.. it's much better than Vista, faster and more reliable

    the worst problem on Vista is UAC, that sucks.. that's why I tell you, W7 is better than Vista..

  6. I'm only using this for personal use, just to calculate things..

    but I need some help.. I use VisualStudio 2005

    first, i used VB

    Private Function PRNG(ByVal seed As String) As String
     Dim temp As String = ""
     Dim t As UInt64
     t = Convert.ToUInt64("0x41C64E6D", 16) * Convert.ToUInt64(seed, 16) + Convert.ToUInt64("0x6073", 16)
     temp = Hex(t)
     If temp.Length < 16 Then
       For t = 0 To 15 - temp.Length Step 1 'just to add zero
         temp = "0" & temp
     End If
     PRNG = temp
    End Function

    then for some reason i have to convert it to C#, here is the code:

    using Microsoft.VisualBasic; //for Conversion
    private const UInt64 factor = 0x41C64E6D;
    private const UInt64 adder = 0x6073;
    private string generate(String seed) {
     return temp =  Conversion.Hex( (factor * Convert.ToUInt64(seed, 16) + adder));

    but i get different result, well the LSB is the same, but the MSB is different.. any clue? :bidoof::bidoof::bidoof:

    thx a lot

  7. Something maybe useful is auto add data to pokedex when loading a new pokemon into party/box

    for example, i never seen a pikachu, then i open my save file using pokesav, then load a pikachu.pkm which is obvious contain pikachu inside it, save it, then load it in game, in my box/party, i got a pikachu just as i want.. but, in my pokedex, there is no pikachu.. which is a little odd, i have a pikachu but it don't show in my pokedex.. in pokesav i have to trade it first, or upload then download it again using GTS, or something like that..

    I know in pokemond we can thick "seen" or "caught" checkbox in pokedex, but it will be nice if it can auto add a new pokedex entry when i load a new pokemon


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