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  1. I found some ways to cut across walls from Pokemon SV with out any hack or save editing. However, there are still many unreachable areas because of the teleporting (game will teleport players back to the last safe location if player is too far away the map) Game Freak places many structures close together.(A fake Mesagoza is being placed above Area Zero and obscured by clouds) The teleporting restriction prevents me from exploring the void. I'm looking for a mod. make sure I can fly anywhere without being restricted. Even just changing my camera location helps me tremendously.
  2. For example. A Magnemite from Lono 0081 - Magnemite - FA196977ABE9.pk9must be Shiny Locked. but... what if I make it to shiny. PkHex still says it's Legal. 0081 ★ - Magnemite - CE0F6977ABE9.pk9
  3. I also have the same question, I'm curious too.
  4. I have investigated all the methods for obtaining Manaphy and Phione. The only way to obtain them, and therefore inherit their ball type, is through encounters in Legend Arceus. However, the balls used in ancient times will be transformed into 'Strange Balls.' And all of the encounters ways for them, are only be in Poké Ball or Cherish Ball. So, based on this, I assumed that all Phiones obtained from eggs would be in Poké Balls. However, PKHeX indicates that there are various other selectable balls that are considered legal. Have I overlooked something?"
  5. Thank you for your response and the advice you've provided. The suggestion you mentioned, which involves viewing the data of legitimate Pokémon in PKHeX, is something I've been doing and is already familiar to me. Even if I have new questions or need to compare data, I can rely on examining PKHeX's database or using search engines to find answers. I completely understand your reluctance to inadvertently assist malicious hackers who disrupt the game, as this is a concern I've also considered. It's an assumption that even basic PKHeX users might contemplate. I have a request: aside from the straightforward data comparison for verifying legitimacy, how can I further learn about highly technical information beyond PKHeX legality checks? You don't need to reveal violations or your concerns. Even providing a general direction would be a significant help, allowing me to pursue learning and data collection. Thank you.
  6. It seems we're going around in circles with the same question. I'm not incapable of comprehending all the content, although there might be a slight margin of error due to translation, the general understanding is pretty much the same. The reason I have more questions is because you mentioned : My understanding of this statement would be that there indeed are deeper techniques in modifying Pokémon, and it aligns with my conjecture. Since you have concerns, I'm not seeking to know the specifics; I just want to confirm whether my assumption that there are indeed more sophisticated techniques in Pokémon modification is correct. And when you mentioned: it's exactly what I'm attempting to do.
  7. I apologize for any confusion caused, as I am not a professional hacker, I am not able to clearly distinguish the "different levels and abilities of hackers" you mentioned. I also deeply apologize for any misdirection caused by the title; I mistakenly assumed that all users on this forum are familiar with pkhex. Therefore, I defined "non technical users" as those without programming backgrounds, rather than strictly users who have no exposure to CFW (custom firmware). I am not completely avoiding CFW now, which is why I'm seeking to learn more details.
  8. I can try to compose Pokémon data for you to inspect its legality, but I am not a professional hacker. Even expert hackers can make mistakes at times, so obviously non-compliant Pokémon data (e.g., a Pokémon knowing Thunder but not having the TM Mark selected) can be distinguished. 0362 ★ - Glalie - 67F4D90E4436.pk90462 - ジバコイル - D00D33DCCEA0.pk90890 ★ - 無極汰那 - 1A77BB352663.pk9 I must reiterate my question to ensure there is no misunderstanding leading to a meaningless communication loop. A Pokémon from a Tera Raid Battle can have its data matched through RNG calculations. Is there a similar way for a wild Pokémon, allowing us to trace if its data could naturally occur in the game through encounters?
  9. That's exactly what I meant. A Pokémon that might comply with the game's rules but wasn't naturally obtained – can I distinguish it by any way? I simply need a yes or no.
  10. I completely understand your example regarding the 6IV shiny Pikachu. This is how most players nowadays judge whether a Pokémon is hacked based on common sense, but these judgments are made on the "legitimacy" level. I sought information about Pkhex to gain a deeper understanding on the "legality" aspect. I've learned the basic functionalities of Pkhex. Now, I'm working on understanding more and planning to convey the information I've gathered in a simpler and more understandable way to players who don't use any third-party hacking software. My goal is to engage the audience and improve the gaming environment, even if the impact is minimal – every bit of change matters. I understand if you're hesitant to provide detailed instructions on distinguishing hacks, as I've also considered the risks associated with that. I just want a straightforward answer to a question. I believe the answer to this question won't lead to the concerns you mentioned earlier. My question is, if I only use the default six categories in Pkhex (Main, Met, Stats, Moves, Cosmetic, OT/Misc) for editing, along with the information from the Mystery Gift/Encounter Database, without altering any other settings or using any third-party tools beyond Pkhex (such as RNG calculators), can I create a Pokémon that is both legitimate and reasonable? If this is possible, it would indicate that there might not be a simple method to discern more sophisticated fabricated Pokémon. If it's not possible, then it suggests that there are hidden data that can be manipulated and more advanced ways to expose them. I'm hoping to get an answer to this question.
  11. Thank you for your response, and my understanding aligns completely with what you mentioned, including your example of Mitsuki.TV. This current Chat GPT has clearly distinguished between "legality" and "legitimacy" in translation, which makes me more confident in my understanding. I'm curious about a scenario: If a morally ambiguous player were to have the same reasons as Pokémon World Championship participant Brady Smith, that is, not wanting to spend time on Pokémon breeding and opting for hacked Pokémon, and they modify a Pokémon to be extremely "legitimacy" (for example, non-shiny, low IVs for Hyper Training, not maximum/minimum size, no special marks), would I still have a means to expose them using any third-party tools (such as pkhex)? Do I have a method to identify the source of a Pokémon that possesses both reasonability and legality, and determine whether it's fabricated? By the way, for an event-gifted Pokémon with all fixed values (such as PID, IVs, Shiny, Height and Weight), is it impossible to distinguish whether it originated from a Mystery Gift, was duplicated, or was fabricated from scratch?
  12. I am using ChatGPT to help me translate Chinese into English. I apologize for any inaccuracies in the translation. Thank you both for your responses. If my understanding is correct... Currently, there isn't an absolutely accurate method to determine the legality of a wild-caught Pokémon. This means that as long as hackers carefully edit every detail to make the Pokémon appear legitimate, even using software to analyze the Pokémon might not provide certainty about its legitimacy. It's important not to blindly trust the indications given by PKHeX, as those indications can have a certain level of inaccuracy. Is the above content accurate?
  13. Thank you for your information, and I can also understand what you're saying. As long as an event's probability isn't 0%, then it can't be considered impossible, even if some hacked Pokémon seem extremely unlikely (like being 6IV, shiny, and Legendary all at once). However, when it comes to Pokémon encounter methods, shiny locks, and event distributions, you can use PKHeX or online resources to verify the legitimacy of a Pokémon. This is also the most common way of determining legitimacy. If we judge the rationality of a Pokémon's legitimacy based on "logic," we encounter a challenge: hacked Pokémon are not like counterfeit money where any detail can reveal its authenticity. Hacked Pokémon are more like items produced by original printing machines, indistinguishable unless the printer (hacker) makes a mistake. In PKHeX, setting aside a few vulnerabilities or bugs, does a system prompt that a Pokémon is "legitimate" necessarily mean it's truly legitimate? Is there a possibility that PKHeX could label a Pokémon as legitimate, but it's because of PKHeX and Nintendo's scrutiny might both miss that it's actually illegal? Assuming a Pokémon is made up from scratch but logically and legitimately, beyond the "speculation and guesswork" you mentioned earlier, is there any way to "accurately" determine whether a hacked wild Pokémon is hacked, and if so, what method would that be?
  14. The conversation above seems to have deviated from the focus due to the discussion about Magnezone, which was a mistake on my part, and I apologize for that. Returning to the initial and only question I had: Is there any way, apart from speculation and guesswork, to "accurately" determine whether a wild-caught Pokémon is a hacked one, regardless of whether it involves RNG or any other method? If such a method exists, what is it?
  15. I apologize for the misunderstanding I caused. I've been working on preparing a video about "How to more accurately identify hacked Pokémon," aiming to address any unclear or mistaken points from my previous videos. Here are the links to my YouTube videos to show that I'm not attempting to disrupt the fairness of the game, but rather to convey how to differentiate hacked Pokémon. I genuinely intend to delve into the details of identifying hacked Pokémon as thoroughly as possible and create a video to educate on this matter. While I understand this might inadvertently help hackers refine their techniques, I've stressed multiple times in the video that I do not endorse or promote any hacking methods. I've also taken precautions by masking anything associated with hacking using mosaic overlays. I'm sincerely sorry for any confusion I caused, and I hope to receive your understanding and clarification. Video 1:
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