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Everything posted by NewHobby

  1. I'm not entirely experienced in this, but I do know that the PID (personality ID) of any mon is related to the origin game, TID/SID, location and level of encounter, and its IV's. If this delicate house of cards is changed in any way without an appropriate PID, the mon is rendered illegal. This means you can't necessarily have your ideal IV's for a certain mon, but you can get pretty damn close with RNG Reporter. Took me a while to understand exactly how to go about this myself, but studying this helped:
  2. Hi All, PKXDelta is exporting a file size for my Crystal save that is too small (goes from 32,768 bytes to 32,302 bytes), and it therefore gives an error when trying to open it in PKHeX. The original save file opens fine in PKHeX, but once I open and export it from PKXDelta, it seems to get corrupted. This happens whether I make changes like importing or editing pk's, or if I simply re-export the initial file without making any changes at all. This issue only occurs when I "Save As" with .sav file extension. If I simply "Save" to overwrite the original file, it comes out fine. I have tried to recreate the problem with gen 3 saves and the issue did not occur. I've tried re-saving within the game and doing the same thing with PKXDelta numerous times with no change in results. I have no reason to believe my save as a whole is corrupted, as it is 100% fine initially going into PKXDelta/PKHeX and plays without any issue. I can't find any other information on this specific issue for Crystal so I was hoping someone with more experience could take a look. Just for context, I would like to test PKXDelta's backwards compatibility function and get some of my Kanto/Johto mons from Emerald into a completed Crystal game. I'll be rewriting this save to the original cart with a GBxCart, so I don't want to risk messing up the hardware with a bugged file. Thanks! - The save file attached is the original save, before being imported to/exported from PKXDelta. Pokemon Crystal.sav
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