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Everything posted by Aaronosauruses

  1. It worked!! I was able to restore my original 3DS backup data stored on my PC. I forgot to say thanks for replying so quickly to my question, so... thank you! Checkpoint is great; being able to backup my Gen 4 save files that I've had for 15+ years is amazing. I haven't felt this way since I bought a Mega Memory Card to backup my non-VC Gen 1 & Gen 2 games/save files! I don't like using hacks/cheats when I play, it takes all of the fun out of playing. So, it's great to have the peace of mind that my hundreds of hours of play time are backed up. Cheers!
  2. Awesome! Yep, it’s the same 3DS unit and I haven’t done a system reset/transfer. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the save manager tips!
  3. I think that I’m in a similar or the same situation. With eShop shutting down soon, I decided to do what I thought was the ‘responsible’ thing and back up all of my 3DS software to a spare micro SD card. I did not know that this would corrupt the save data of my VC Pokémon games; lesson learned, the hard way. Now I’m looking into setting up my 3DS with homebrew and my question is this: if I have my original 3DS backup data stored on my PC, can I restore it to a micro SD card, insert it into my 3DS and access my original save data without it being corrupted? If I understand correctly, this could be done by deleting the game’s SecureValue with SaveFL? Any feedback is appreciated, thanks for putting up with my noobiness!
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