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File Comments posted by ferlo95

  1. Got one question about this Event file.
    Why does the last PkHex version (20240505) flags it as Illegal? It says that it is because of the nickname: "Event Gift has been nicknamed". But this event is supposed to be nicknamed as "Land-Sama" if I'm right. I didn't change it. So is the flag just visual or...?

  2. Sorry for this late question.

    I've been searching on previous comments to see if someone asked about it and got an answer... but couldn't find it. So I'm gonna make the question (sorry if it is not the place or I shouldn't do it...)

    I opened the Save file with PkHex and a lot of Pokémon are flaged as illegal. Is it ok to have the file transfered to my switch? Like, I'm not gonna be using them... as I want to edit the save file into my own OT and TID/SID for another purposes.
    Thank you in advance.

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