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Everything posted by theblokeman

  1. update: i'm just stupid. i had a folder for the old VC save inside the backup so it started working after i deleted the folder. thanks for all the help though!
  2. so I've tried 3 different methods to convert my crystal save for the VC version but all of the methods failed miserably. I tried using a hex editor and 2 different sav to dat converters and they all failed. can someone help?
  3. ok so I want to put my pc save file for Pokémon ruby onto my 3ds so I can play ruby on the go but the problem is the file format is .SA2 which I have literally no idea what it means. I tried searching google for an answer but all I find are sonic adventure 2 save editors. how do I convert it to .SAV?
  4. I know this is a nit pick but the PCNY distribution pokemon are considered "illegal" pokemon in PKhex since they aren't in the "mystery gift database" I know this won't be an issue with the game as the games know where they came from but PKhex doesn't and I think it's kinda funny and also kinda random.
  5. so in theory, if they homebrewed an NR reader they could possibly extract the files off the disk using a sd card memory card adaptor?
  6. so if you don't already know, back in 2020 retroali and hard4games discovered the PCNY "gotta catch em all" distribution machine. not the actual machine, but the necessary internals. I was waiting patiently for the software and memory card data to drop so I could start experimenting with it, but I started to get impatient and completely forgot about the topic. it's now 2023, 3 years after the discovery and I'm starting to look into the GameCube spinoff distributions. I suddenly remembered that the PCNY machine existed and thought "it's 2023! surely by now someone has uploaded dumps of the software right?" yeah I think you can see where this is going. no one, even 3 years later, have dumped the software... I know the Pokémon from the discovered distributions have been transferred to actual save files and backed up, but in most cases, no one is gonna have the ability to get these Pokémon onto their own cartridge. so I bring this back up in the hopes that someone actually cares to look into this machine and back it up. both the disks for gen 2 and 3 and the memory card files (aka the distributions and the access key) and if somehow we can make that a reality, we can see what makes the software tick when the card reader is inserted. anyway, just wanted to rant about something I'm kind of surprised and upset about (like a lot of people online) but tbh I don't think many people would care anyway so it's kind of just a long winded suggestion. also here's the video I'm talking about
  7. in the original video by hard4games they talked about the writer device being built off the gba and also how the gba almost starts up when put in port 4 but stops when its almost done. maybe there's extra data written to the gba bios when its turned into the writer so the software is trying to check for that to finalize the initiation process although like you said if something like this could've been done then someone would probably make a video about it
  8. if someone backed up the writer code would there be any way to mod a gameboy player to plug into controller port 4 and become the writer?
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