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Thank-you very much everyone, for all of your help! Updating PkHex now allows those impossible Ribbons to be added without creating the 'Mystery Zone'.
Oh, no I'm using 20220208! I'll update it. Thank-you! Ah yes the issue with Mystery Zone, hopefully that will fix it
I'll do that in future thank-you! Originally I tried the Battle Frontier Ribbons that require online to complete. Multi Ability Ribbon, Pair Ability Ribbon & World Ability Ribbon. When they changed location from 'Kanto' to 'Mystery Zone', I then started testing. On a pokemon with no ribbons to begin with, I gave all of Gen 3 ribbons which resulted in 'Mystery Zone'. I then tried adding just contest only ribbons, same result. When I undo the changes I've made, it doesn't change back to 'Kanto'. I am finding that anything I do regarding ribbons leads to the same result, changing from 'Kanto' to 'Mystery Zone'. I was curious if this would still happen if I use PkHex on a later generation game, like Black as an example. There isn't a lot of info online about 'Mystery Zone', but it does seem to be a gen 4 thing.
Yea only the ribbons. Well I would select the Pokemon to edit, then after making changes I would set elsewhere so it creates a copy. Once I finished and it still had a green tick, I would then set over the original and delete the copy. I'm quite new to PkHex, is that right?
I just tested this, and yes it still remains 'Mystery Zone' after removing all ribbons
Here are two uploads to show. Both Gastly came from FireRed & have been transferred to Ruby & Colosseum. I trade them back to FireRed as I wasn't sure if their bio would say 'from Kanto'. After sending them to HeartGold via Pal Park, they both showed 'from Kanto'. After adding the ribbons I mentioned, they are now from 'Mystery Zone' ingame. I didn't earn all of the ribbons shown, I tried to understand the issue. So one Gastly only has Gen 3 ribbons, while the other has all legal ribbons. 092 - GASTLY - FD6B424A58D9 - Only Gen 3 Ribbons.pk4 092 - GASTLY - D2DE7BE9EFA6 - All Ribbons.pk4
FireRed was the origin game. And I can see that when I open up PkHex, it says from game FireRed, received via Pal Park. It all looks fine on PkHex, and looks fine ingame prior to using PkHex, but after adding the ribbons I mentioned it becomes 'Mystery Zone' instead of 'Kanto'
Hi all, I have come across an issue while using PkHex, I assume I am doing something wrong so thought I'd reach out for assistance Since all battle ribbons can not longer be obtained in Gen 3 due to servers being taken down. I thought I would add those few missing ribbons to my Pokemon. I bought my Pokemon forward to Gen 4 using Pal Park ingame. I can see it is from Kanto on the stat screen. Using PkHex I added in the N/A ribbons, and it stays legit; however now ingame it says it is from 'Mystery Zone Apparently met at'. When I reload up on PkHex, it still shows it was met at Pal Park from Emerald, everything looks fine. But it certainly has changed ingame. Am I doing something wrong, or missing something? I tried googling about the 'mystery zone' and it seems to be a gen 4 thing. Will my Pokemon auto correct itself saying 'met in Kanto' when I move it to gen 5 and so on? or will it forever say 'mystery zone'?
Ahhh, I see. Well I'd like to do it legally, so I shall follow advice given and really appreciate the information Thank-you
Thank-you, I'll try to see if I can find a nature with 6IVs. How do modders/genners etc edit a pokemon to have 6IVs if it isn't through PkHex? When playing Sword & Shield, Pokemon are received via GTS with names like etc with 6IVs, advertising their service to edit.
Thank-you for your reply. I truly dislike hyper training, wish I did because it would make it easier but I really don't like it ha. I feel like the odd one out, as I dislike shiny appearances too, so I'm not trying to have shiny in the editing. Just 6IVs. What natures have flawless IVs in the earlier generations? I don't mind having the right nature, as that can be changed via a mint later on. IVs however, that is my focus on being flawless (the same as what I bred in the current generations).
Thank-you. I was already following this guide before posting, and am able to edit the save file of Heartgold to change the nature, and two of the six IVs to 31, but I can't change it to 6IV while being legal. I'm only trying to alter/edit pokemon from earlier generations (bascially before destiny knot was introduced). I love breeding, and often breed perfect 6 IV pokemon in recent generations, but since that is impossible in earlier generations I thought I'd try PkHex. Is there a way to legally change a pokemon in earlier generations to have 6IVs?
Oh I wasn't aware of PokeFinder, I'll try that thank-you I was planning to eventually move the living dex to Bank and Home. I believe I have all the necessary hardware to do this too, bascially trading via link cable, then Park Pal, Poke Transfer Lab etc until I have access to Bank, which is easy from there on. I'm not familiar with using a script feature as you've suggested to mass modify all IVs, I should look into that more! Thank-you for your post, I appreciate the assistance.
Malhakai started following Seeking help regarding 6IV PkHex edits
Hi all, I'm completely brand new to PkHex, being a long time Pokemon player. I am completing a living dex, starting with FRLG, and working through every single generation game (OCD, but I want all to have me as OT and to be from the region they were first introduced). Anyway, while doing this mission I was planning on 6IV breeding pokemon I like, however breeding is horrible/impossible to 6IV in older generations. I just started trying out PkHex, but can't seem to have any with 6IV following the RNG reporter. I know that players in Sword & Shield sending 6IV pokemon through GTS, so I felt there must be a way to change a pokemon to 6IV. Am I missing something, or is PkHex limited? Thank-you for your time,
That is the part I found interesting and confusing in that article. It seems to describe transferring a pokemon from VC gen 1, to a cartridge gen 2 game, and from there transferring to gen 3, then gen 4, gen 5, gen 6, gen 7 and finally gen 8. Meaning if that is true, the pokemon wouldn't be skipping SM, USUM etc and therefore be able to collect each gens ribbons while retaining the gameboy icon on the profile.