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Everything posted by meotta

  1. (Went on a nostalgia trip after realizing I had lost my X/Y cartridges and downloaded them on my homebrewed 3ds, fiddled around with the save after playthrough.. for context.) I just downloaded PKHeX yesterday after being a slave to Powersaves for God knows how long and after playing around with some of the features and genning some 'mons I have grown curious about the Appearance feature under Trainer ID. I don't see much discussion about the feature but would like to know what each of the values entail, and if you can really remove items (such as your hat) like it proposes. I've attempted different values and combinations but they all end up resetting my character's Appearance to default. Also saw this on yt and was intrigued.. OP said he was fooling around with PKHeX and ended up with an invisible avatar in-game and on their PSS icon. I've seen this in the GTS and Passerby's way back when the game was first released but haven't seen many as of late. Always wanted to try this but don't know how, or if it is even still possible in the software. It would be nice if there was some tutorial out there so I could play around with it offline without causing any commotion. Anyways, let me know if any of you can help ^-^ It'd be cool even if I could just walk around Lumiose in my pajamas for a bit lol. Meo
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