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Everything posted by WindchildWhimsy

  1. 1. Uhhhhhh I didn't replace anything. Miltank doesn't learn anything at level 45 in the base game, and in fact doesn't learn Refresh in ANY game at all. Are you thinking of Heal Bell? (which is still in its level up learnset at 48, I did not change that) 2. Noted! 3. Weird but idk how to fix that, and as you say it's probably not a priority. 4. I genuinely do not remember, do the base Unown forms exhibit this behavior too? (ie if you recruit a J, then the Q will turn yellow too for example?) 5. again, I can't do that without removing existing exclusive items, and that's kinda against my M.O. word of warning, you cannot recruit everything, the base game's recruit limit of 552 is still in effect. I would be interested to see the spreadsheet when you're done though! ^^
  2. huh, strange. I'll look into it, because I coulda sworn that was fixed o.o
  3. where did you get the latest version?
  4. Yep! no ETA, sorry! Time is limited, and rn other stuff is calling to me more than working on the hack! ^^;
  5. 1. guess you're just unlucky? there's no way to change the odds of what dungeons get selected; afaik they're all equal? 2. Noted! I'll try to crank up the challenge there a notch! 3. good! 4. hmmm, I see I see!
  6. Shimmer Hill has been acting up a bunch and I have no clue why DX planning on looking more into it once I resume working on the next update!
  7. you should be able to use the same save file! I plan on making it a starter in the next update! in the meantime though, you can follow this to make it one yourself!
  8. 1a. yes, I do plan to add more Pokemon in a future update! 1b. and yes, you can add more Pokemon yourself! 2. no, unfortunately. the size limitations are in place because the game cannot handle several huge sprites in the party.
  9. 1. there are currently no new evolution items, consult the readme for a list of all altered evolution methods 2. yes, when it town and it's in your party, check the Pokemon in the menu (not Chimecho Assembly!) and there should be an option to rename it 3. that...definitely shouldn't be happening. I'm checking the data on Servine and Serperior and I see no reason she shouldn't be able to evolve? o.o
  10. Odd...are you sure you have the right rom?
  11. uhhhhh I believe 1/20? and no, it does not get consumed.
  12. noted, will take a look at it when I get the chance! also I beliiiiiiiiiiiieve that's normal for that section of the game! I did not change it. there are a couple added dungeons that can spawn evolution items (Mirage Oasis and Zero Hoard) though huh, strange! I've had some weird issues with Shimmer Hill crashes before, looks like I'll have to take another look at it!
  13. that's normal! the quiz is recreated in-script to allow for extra starters, so the ACTUAL quiz does nothing. here's a lil guide on how to change the starters in it!
  14. not able to check atm but I wanna say at least Eternatus is?
  15. I do not yet! there is a bit of info in the readme but not a ton. here's a list of the Legendaries though!
  16. I don't particularly plan to do more than document where you can find them!
  17. technically you can, but you'd have to bail from Temporal Tower before completing it lol (since the item is found IN Temporal Tower)
  18. it's applied, idk why it's not working o.o I'm aware of this error, I'll have it addressed in the next version (which I plan on working on sooner than later)
  19. patch over the unmodified rom, not the previous version. as long as your new patched rom is in the same place with the same name, your save should be safe!
  20. yep! I do plan on adding an optional sidequest that will allow you to evolve earlier in the postgame at some point, but currently it's still unlocked at the very end of the postgame!
  21. no plans! it's currently impossible to add more; I would have to remove/repurpose existing ones. Ah thanks for the heads up! I will fix that in the next update! that doesn't sound right, as of 1.1 only Petilil should be female locked? are you sure you have the latest version? I...don't believe so? I don't recall adding any functionality to that item. unless you meant the part where one appears near the end of each Zero Isle to guarantee you can find the Shiny Legendaries in Zero Hoard. which isn't really spoilers imo
  22. Sure can! I wrote up a little walkthrough on how a couple pages back, you can find it below:
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