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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. Lol :D see the spoiler V

    itachi is sauskes "evil brother" who is a member of akatsuki and was tasked with tracking down the 9 tailed fox's jinchuriki,naruto. He killed all the members of his family except for his brother suaske and because of this sauske vows to kill him.When the two meet in combat again he dies supposedly because he was "exhausted".

    Just a few minor details.some might be wrong X_X i am still catching up with naruto :D

    and plus he is just awesome really :D

    Granted you discover some very disturbing things and are driven insane by them

    I wish...Pein was a good guy :D

  2. Granted Only it is is revealed that madara uchiha can use Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood and uses it on jiraiya and simply torments him before killing him again.

    I wish i knew who danzo really was (Obito? seems likely)

  3. Yes but they dont show the half decent 1st and 2nd series instead they show all the awful

    gens after that and they only show a new episode a month they repeat the same epsiodes over and over and over again >:D until your eyes bleed..X_X

  4. Granted you are going through a wall and try teleporting you get stuck invisible ..you cant teleport out, walk through the wall,fly away,tell anyone that your there by reading there mind,you cant disactivate invisibility,you cant run out of the wall and you cant use strenght to break the wall!

    WoW! O_o

    I wish Goldgross was out of the wall :D

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