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Everything posted by KOONYKOONY

  1. That's right. Movements can be revived at home If you forget the game you took, you can't recover it Only duplicate movements of each generation are possible Thank you. I learned it today
  2. Isn't the ice beam for TR only? Even if you don't check the TR, it says it's legal Is there a way to learn with other routes? If you look at the technical chart, it says that you can only learn from TR have a good day
  3. LGPE Are wild pokemon all legal even if they freely change pid reroll and size and shiny? CP = auto check
  4. Thank you for your kind explanation Have a good day
  5. If I edit a shiny raid pokemon, it says it's legal, does it matter if I change a regular raid pokemon to a shiny one?
  6. Raid Pokemon Can't Find Seeds Is it a Pokemon that can't exist? (I'm sorry if the sentence is awkward I'm using a translator Have a good day)
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