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Posts posted by Maratux

  1. On 6/15/2021 at 3:30 PM, theSLAYER said:

    It's not about you being a "computer engineer". Read again:

    Skills relating to being a "computer engineer" weren't the kind of technical skills I was referring to; I was referring to the fact that you didn't understand me previously, which would imply that you have 0 knowledge when it comes to GBA games and fake carts. That's what I meant.

    Thankfully, being a "computer engineer" would probably help, since you probably have experience with hex editing and what not. However, if you don't know how to handle GBA data (especially a bootleg version of it), or how to reflash it properly, it is possible you'll mess up :(
    (Also, the fact that even though the save backing up feature didn't work, yet you somehow thought the save restoring feature would work, does not inspire confidence in me).

    The only help I'll be giving you, is rather simplified instructions, and I'm only doing it once. If you cannot figure it out, then there's that. And it's all at your own risk (including the fact that you may brick the cart).
    I'm also gonna put a disclaimer that I've never tried it on my own hardware before, cause I don't have it atm.

    You're gonna need to find a homebrew or specific hardware that allows you to restore GBA ROMs too.
    If you can't find it, treat it as "impossible to achieve". Else:

    1. Back up the bootleg ROM (presumably using a NDS flashcart homebrew that can dump ROMs)
    2. Extract the saves. (My tool should auto dump the saves in your bootleg ROM, and tell you the offsets [it is in the filename]. Keep in mind of the offsets for later).
    3. Keep an extra safe backup of the bootleg ROM somewhere on your computer. This may be useful to reflash the cart if anything goes wrong (not guaranteed tho).
    Pick one of the saves, and edit it with PKHeX.
    5. Open the bootleg ROM in a hex editor.
    6. Open the edited save in a hex editor.
    7. Remember the offsets in part 2? These are offsets for the location of the saves in your bootleg ROM.
    Check the size of the save in those offsets. (Might be full size, might be halved)
    8. If the size found were halved, then reduce the size of your save (the data opened in the hex editor).
    Try matching the save structure as found in your ROM:
    (Existing data structure here: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Save_data_structure_(Generation_III)#File_structure)
    Note: Bootleg ROMs might forgo Game save A, but have everything else intact.
    9. Replace every instance of a save on your bootleg ROM with the data of the edited save.
    10. When done, save the bootleg ROM.
    11. Now try restoring the edited bootleg ROM into your bootleg cart. All done at your own risk.
    12. Now try launching the game, see if it works, see if the edited save is in your game.


    This post sure seems wordy, I hope it can be of some help.


    I have already done everything and in the bootleg save I have the pokemon that I put for the bootleg cartridge. The only thing that happens to me is that the file has been reduced to 64kb when 128kb is needed, what I have to do to make it 128kb. It is the only thing I need to be able to put the game



  2. On 6/13/2021 at 7:08 PM, theSLAYER said:

    To put it nicely and in a plain fashion:

    If you couldn't understand what I said in that reply, I can only assume you aren't technically skilled when it comes to the likes of GBA games and fake carts.

    As such:

    bro, i use your program in the option full search. Now, What do have I do?

    Captura de pantalla 2021-06-14 200730.png

  3. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    You do understand that you you didn't use the "dump the save" option right?
    That also means that the "restore the save" option won't work.

    That's because for bootleg carts, the "save" isn't stored in the save partition that retail carts normally use.

    So is there any way I can edit my game from the hack cartridge and then pass it to the cartridge again?

  4. 4 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    You make it sound as though you expect the edits on your computer to magically influence the save in the cartridge. Am I reading that right?
    Is there another way I can read this?

    What I mean is that I do the search with your program and it gives me the file, so to speak, fixed. Then once that file I modify it I pass it to the DS and from there I pass it to the game boy hack cartridge, but once the game is entered it does not load me and the old game loads the one that is not modified. It's like the modified one stays in the air.

  5. 3 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I get the feeling you didn't read page one.

    Below contains my reply to someone also asking how to reinsert an edited save back into the bootleg cart.


    What happens in my case is that when I go to load the game already inserted in the cartridge, I load the old one and not the modified one taken from it.


  6. On 3/31/2020 at 9:14 PM, theSLAYER said:

    I used the these bytes to try to find the save

    from here

    Once I find that part in your save, I take the first address of the 0xFF, and minus 0x1E000 from said address, so that I find the starting address of the save. That's how I got the two locations in prev post.

    (not sure you saw it, but I added in a part that both saves seems to be the same)


    I'm also not sure that the saves are in fixed spots. Any further dumps may have them in a different point, so you can use that method to search.

    Anyhow, the two files

    once the program has been used and the games extracted in the complete search. Then how can I get the game modified in pkhex back to the game cartridge again?

  7. On 6/30/2020 at 8:28 PM, theSLAYER said:

    It makes complete sense. Your "save" is filled with garbage data.



    Consider saving in-game, then exporting the battery save.

    is there a way to delete those junk files and be able to load that game into PKHEX?
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