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Everything posted by ThosePassword43

  1. Thanks! How would I go about hosting those sites locally, in the event that those sites go down? Is there a better method than this one that allows you to import and export SAV Data?
  2. I know most people on here do not use RAM2SAV anymore, But I was familiar with that method when I was into hacking Pokemon for the 3DS games. I have the source code for all three bin files which I believe were used for the website that had to be navigated to while using the 3DS to initiate the payload. My question is, how can I host the bin files on my own server/website so I can continue to use this method? In other words, how can I mirror these two websites on my own server So I can continue using this method? https://dukesrg.no-ip.org/3ds/rop/?LoadCode.dat&rsavout.bin https://dukesrg.no-ip.org/3ds/rop/?LoadCode.dat&rsavin.bin I already have a 2DS on compatible firmware for this exploit to remain usable today.
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