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Do you think that one day PKH will get data from Go for a right generate like SW/SH ? Yeah, that's the definition of legit : "indistinguishable from something that was legitimately obtained" And I want this Pokemon legit. But PKH don't let me generate them cause they are from Go.
Hi, I already read this post, but I don't understand why we can't generate a Pokemon from PoGo and why from Sw/Sh it's possible ? I don't ask if it will be HACKED. I ask if it will be LEGIT in appearance. When you generate a Pokemon from Sw/Sh, it's hacked but if you generate it correctly, it's legit too.
Hi, I actually hunt for a living Dex (regular and shiny) only in Pokeball and with my OT. Yet, some Pokemon can be catched with this settings only on PoGo : - Galarian Articuno Shiny : Adventure Encens (From 10/04/2024) - Galarian Zapdos Shiny : Adventure Encens (From 10/04/2024) - Galarian Moltres Shiny : Adventure Encens (From 10/04/2024) - Marshadow : Quest - Zacian Shiny : Pokemon Go Battle - Zamazenta Shiny : Pokemon Go Battle (From 10/04/2024) So, this Pokemon with needed settings are (or will be) legal on Home. I understood that we can't generate on PkHex Pokemon from PoGo cause Home Tracker of Pokemon from PoGo can be anticipated. How work the Home Tracker ? And what about editing, example : 1) I transfer Zacian in Honor Ball (regular) from PoGo to my Home (get my OT) 2) I trade it to someone who can take it on Sw/Sh 3) This person edit it with Pokeball and Shiny 4) I get it back on my Home by trade Will Zacian still be legit ? Thanks for help.
I'm french, sorry if I don't understand all. But I'll repeat too : I have 3 Pokemons generated with PkHex like they come from PoGo. Look : It was created in june 2023. So, is it possible again now for a Marshadow ? I don't ask if it's legal, legit or other. I ask if it's still possible ? And if no, why changing that ? "The messages mean what they say"... As I said, I'm french, and english or french version of PkHex isn't clear about why alerts and how fix them... So I still have this questions : - Invalid OT : Trash Bytes should be cleard . What is trash bytes ? What is wrong with OT ? Thanks
But they are legit. That's all I want. Btw, I have on my Home reals Pokemons from PoGo, and the OD isn't the IGN from PoGo (GrimmJow) but the IGN from Home (Samus). That's not a fake cause I have tested with legal Pokemon transfered. So, when you transfer a Pokemon from PoGo to Home, the OD is the one from Home. Without the problem of PoGo origin, why I have this alerts ?
Is this PkHex change ? Cause in the past, players have already helped me by reconstruct Pokemon from PoGo (Jirachi, Genesect, Diancie...). All with a Home Tracker at 0. And all these Pokémon are currently on Home without problem. So if in the past players were able to generate Pokemon with a PoGo origin, why not now? Even more specific case: If you checked Tiffany's file (in my first post), she managed to create Marshadow from PoGo without alert. I would like to do the same. How ?
Hi, Thanks for your answer. I have some questions : - What mean OT and HT in "Current Handler" ? What is the difference between them ? - My IGN in Sw/Sh is Samus. My IGN in PoGo is GrimmJow. What I need to write in 2 cells ? - How can I determinate the legal value of HOME Tracker with my wanted settings ? Edit : In fact, Tiffany (link with Marshadow from Go) succes to create it legit. I just need to change some of settings. But how ?
Hi, I have a problem for finish to create a legit Marshadow from PoGo. The problem is in OT/Misc tab. I use thise file like base and I make some modifications, but get alerts... I try to make it like if I had catch it on my PoGo account, so I have check with legal Pokemon from my account PoGo on Home. When I transfer a Pokemon from PoGo to Home, it get : - OT from Home (Samus) - TID : I don't know if it's the one from PoGo or Home, but all my Pokemon get 409482 - Language : FRA (but on PkHex it's FRE) So, I don't know if transfered Pokemon from PoGo to Home are considered like "traded Pokemon", but here are my questions : - What mean OT and HT in "Current Handler" ? - I have this alerts. What's wrong ? - What I need to do for generate Marshadow like my other legal Pokemon from PoGo, so with Samus as OT and 409482 as PID and FRA language ? Thanks for your help !
Hi, I would like help from someone who can generate Marshadow from PoGo with this specefics settings, then trade it to me on Sw/Sh. I add 3 specifics settings : - Trainer OD : Samus - Nationality (language ?) : Could be it FRA ? - Tracker ID : Could be it 0 ? Like that it will be "pure" before I depose it on Home Thanks in advance for you help !
Hi, When you transfer a Pokémon from Go to Home, the description is : Date : Date of catch on PoGo. So date of catch in raid is legit. From : Pokemon Go. Any distinction fir the nature of catch (reseach, wild, raid...). So, from Pokemon Go is legit too. Ball : Ball of catch on PoGo. Since Genesect is released in shiny, the Genesect from research can be qhiny if you encounter and catch after this release. And in research you can catch in Pokeball. So a Genesect shiny from PoGo catched in Pokeball after 08/14/2020 is legal. And a reconstitution of it is legit. I think it’s easier to juste change the ball for a Genesect from raid. No ?
Samus started following [Help] Editing Pokeball
Hi all, I have on PoGo Genesect Shiny in HonorBall. Since it’s realeased in shiny, the Genesect from Special Research can be shiny too. And can be catch in Pokeball ! I haven’t hacked switch and the material for. So I need a little help. If I transfer my Genesect Shiny in Honorball for trade it with one player who have Pkhex, this player can edit Honorball in Pokeball ? And erase trackervalue ? With this way, it will be total legit. If yes, one of you can help me ? Thanks for your read and I hope, your help. Good game.