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Everything posted by elSteeler

  1. This is great news, being able to play through gens 1-6 once instead of twice is huge! Thank you for the advice, I'll just make sure to swap after story events have been completed since I have seen some issues on this forum regarding ORAS and the two evil teams.
  2. Hey all, just wanted to confirm something. I have been looking online for a while about a way to change a game's version to its counterpart's (Blue to Red, Silver to Gold, etc). I'm playing through all the gens and looking to complete the Pokedexes and would rather just use the same save and swap to the other game's encounter tables when needed. PKHex doesn't seem to support it, but I was able to boot up Red on emulator with my Blue save and everything is seemingly fine, so I was curious if anyone had any experience with this and what gens work well or not when swapping like this. I suppose just an easy method to switch between the two encounter tables would work well too. Thanks!
  3. Oh sure! I'd forgotten all about Game Sync, crazy. Since that's down, I presume unnatural edits in Gen 7 are safe nowadays, given that you can't even connect to the online systems that triggered bans in the first place. Makes total sense that Gen 8 still has that value as well and that's what trips up accounts now. Honestly such a drag, was planning on revisiting all the games and keeping the OT consistent throughout but the only option here seems to be to play the game entirely offline and risk getting my whole Switch banned with one online slip-up. Or just wait til online support goes down years from now!
  4. I see, great info! Just curious, those previous gens were likely gens 6 and 7? Do you happen to know around when those softbans occurred and what those softbans entailed? Thank you for all your help!
  5. Hey all, appreciate all the info out there. I was just looking for clarification on something. I know that editing a SwSh save's trainer info that has connected online will immediately flag the save and likely get you banned. My question is regarding the edit of a brand new save that has never connected online. Is that still detectable by the game and likely to ban the account? I have seen allusions to a separate value in the game identifying "the individual" so I just wanted clarification on that part. I do have a spare Switch with CFW that I can use if necessary, but would prefer to keep both Switches online for future endeavors and whatnot.
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