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Posts posted by dinodragon

  1. I recently created a pokemon and checked it with the legality checker and it checked out fine before I remembered that I forgot the ability altogether. Then I started having my doubts about the legality checker and found some very serious issues.

    This is a Charmander that I purposely made to look hacked to even the noobiest pokemon player.

    1. Hex values are all 00

    2. It has battle armor for its ability

    3. I caught it at level 99

    4. I caught it in a pokemon center

    5. I caught it with a safari ball

    6. It knows a ton of great moves

    7. All moves have 50 pp

    8. I caught it in Johto

    9. It is level 50 currently but I caught it at level 99

    10. I caught it in the year 2020

    Despite all these problems, it still passes the legality checker and all the values are valid. Is the legality checker completely useless? I just downloaded the newest version today and it still checks out fine.



  2. Dinodragon's simple guide to create a pokemon from scratch

    Includes screenshots and simple instructions

    OK I've done a lot of research these last few weeks and I found that most of the guides on this forum are too hard to understand. There is just too much jargon that only die-hard pokemon fans can understand. Hopefully this will shed some answers on the most simple questions.

    Note: This guide was created mainly for HG/SS, although it should work about the same for all the games. This guide is also for normal wild pokemon; for legendaries, you're better off just catching and editing it rather than trying to create it.

    OK, enough chit-chat. Lets start.


    Pokesav: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php

    Legality Checker: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/legalitychecker.php

    A brain: http://www.ebay.com/ :wink:


    First go to http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page and do some basic research on your pokemon.

    You need to know:

    The level and area where it can be caught

    The moves it can learn at that level

    The abilities it can have


    Make sure that there is enough space in your party for the number of pokemon you want to create

    Open pokesav and calculate the number of pokemon there will be in your party and put that number in Party Members Amount

    Click the edit button on the first empty slot


    1. Choose your pokemon, click input own OT, click input own ID. Click original name or the text box beside it and enter a nickname; if you enter a nickname, check the nickname box.

    2. Put the date when you caught the pokemon. Then choose the location and level where it can be caught. If you are playing HG/SS, chances are you won't find your location there. If you do not see it, put 3002 in the text box (Farawayplace). We'll get back to that later.

    3. Put the level you want the pokemon to currently be. Make sure it is higher than the level you caught it at. You might also want to give it a happiness rating. Caught pokemon start at 70 happiness; maxed happiness is 255. It's a safe bet to put a number between that.

    4. Change it to the game you're currently playing.

    5. Choose the ball that you caught it in. If it is an apricorn ball, choose pokeball instead and we'll get back to that later. Also give it an ability that it can have. If the pokemon can have 2 abilities, input one, and check wraith89's class ID thread and find out the class for the abilities; we'll need the class info later. If it can only have 1 ability, just input it there and forget about the class.

    6. Choose the moves that it will have. Make sure that the pokemon can have those moves at that level. Give it some PP Up if you wish, but it is easier to leave all the PP Left at 0. You can go to the pokemon center after and it will restore the moves to the correct PP amount.

    7. Choose the country that your game is in. Since you're reading this guide, you're probably playing the US version so the language is ENG.

    8. OK. We finally get to the hardest part in the guide. Read Preston's hex value thread and read all about what the numbers mean.

    For all you lazy people, here is the short version: :creep:

    I'm only going to list the ones that actually matter to my guide. For a full list, go to Preston's link.

    45h: This is the method where you caught the pokemon.

    00 - You caught the pokemon in a tree

    02 - You caught the pokemon in grass

    05 - You caught the pokemon in a cave

    07 - You caught the pokemon in water

    09 - You caught the pokemon in a building

    0A - You caught the pokemon in the safari zone

    46h: This is the location of where you caught the pokemon. If you're playing HG/SS, check TheBeunhaas' HG/SS locations thread and locate the number that you need.

    86h: This is the ball in which you caught the pokemon in. Read Preston's guide since it is pretty self explanatory.

    Now we are done with the hex values. Hardest part is over but we still have a bit more work to do.

    9. Input any value you want for your additional stats. The highest amount for each stat is 31.

    10. Click the PID/IV button and then click on generate in the tab that pops up. Find a line with the type 1 algorithm and has the nature and gender that you want. Also, in step 5, if the pokemon had 2 abilities and you chose one, the ability has to match the class. Class 1 = Abil 1, Class 2 = Abil 2; if the pokemon only has 1 ability, then it doesn't matter. If you do not get a combo that you like, change the numbers around in step 9 and try again; it's a trial and error process to find the right combo.

    11. Click stats edit, all max, and then ok.

    12. We're all done! Click OK to save your changes, save the PKM file, check it with the legality checker and make sure everything is right.

    This is my Staryu that I created from scratch if anybody is interested. It was supposedly caught with a good rod in Cianwood using a net ball.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will you create a guide for Platinum/Diamond/Pearl?

    Probably not. I'm finished with my platinum for now and am gonna be playing soulsilver for a while. But the only difference I can imagine from this guide is the hex values, mainly changing 86h value to 00 and finding the location values for 46h and 47h. Preston's hex value guide explains how to find the 46h and 47h.

    What about hatching pokemon?

    Maybe I'll create one in the future. But not today. I guess it all depends on how well this thread goes. If lots of people like it, I might make another one. If nobody replies, I might think people don't care.....


    Dinodragon - Creating this guide

    Preston - Hex value guide

    TheBeunhaas - HG/SS hex locations guide

    wraith89 - Class ID guide

    Sabresite - Legality Checker

    Project Pokemon - For creating Pokesav

    Bulbapedia - Great pokemon resource

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