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Everything posted by MoS29

  1. Apologies for not responding sooner. We got the trade to happen and everything went perfect! She's ecstatic and just as I hoped, is playing again. Small hiccup, Apparently in the PokeCenter there's something to do with a Pokemon's memories and there's a couple notes from @Wolfie8pie's storage. But everything is ambiguous enough that it didn't tip anything off. Couldn't be more happy with how this turned out. Sorry that it's a silly thing given the Pokemon are just a bunch of 1s and 0s and can be easily generated, but I really appreciate you all here.
  2. Thanks for this to both of you! Sent a private message so we can get a trade going. I'll be following up with any developments.
  3. Quick background context. GF's first Pokemon game was Shield. Doing trades with randoms to fill her dex, she accidentally traded her favorite Pokemon, Galarian Rapidash, away and was unable to get it back. Hasn't picked up the game since. No way to contact the person she traded with. I'm hoping someone could generate a look-a-like so that she wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Not 100% on the specifics, but she wasn't too focused on IV's, EV's and what not so randomizing natural occurrences would be fine. Details below: Thank you for any assistance.
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