A couple years ago I edited my Sword save file against my better judgement to change my trainer's gender and name after having gone online already (in fact, I changed the name twice after it worked the first time). Surprisingly after going online again with the changes I never received any bans and still haven't to this day. So I was curious when I encountered someone in the game the other day named "dumb bitch" when a name like that should be impossible to even have in the first place, let alone online. I read from a few sources that you would get banned for doing this in Sword/Shield even though I never got caught (and this other person is getting away with an obvious hacked name for now at least). If anyone can provide info, I'd be interested in learning more about other experiences since I found pretty much nothing.
1. Have there been any actual reports of bans from anyone having made illegal edits such as changing the trainer name (for Sword/Shield exclusively)? Has anyone else done this and gotten away with it?
2. If this did cause a ban, was it specific to the save file or did it extend to anything else (HOME, NSO, console, etc.)? I'm interested in the answer to this one even if the ban was for something else.
3. Is there evidence of the January 2021 banwave strengthening all hack checks, or was this a specific attack on people distributing hacked Pokemon?
I don't expect many responses but I wanted to share my unusual experiences and would like to potentially shed some light on these cases. I suspect that TPC's focus on blatant hacks such as unreleased shinies, hacked raid dens, etc. might cause them to turn a blind eye to obscure save edits like this.