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Everything posted by L1nk2futr3

  1. I think those are the most important ones, I did it years ago so I don't remember all the details. I'd suggest looking through this other thread I created to make sure you don't miss anything if you want your save to be more authentic to one created from scratch.
  2. Hi there, The last time I played ranked battles online in Sword was around October 2022 (I attempted to again a few months later but the servers were empty by then). I also did a lot of Dynamax Adventures online up to this summer; I never got banned there either, and I can still use HOME just fine. From my own limited experience, altering the save file itself as opposed to taking blatantly hacked Pokémon online seems to be something that TPC just doesn't care about, at least to the point of implementing hack checks for details like your trainer name being altered. Even if they did check for this manually and I somehow got away with it, I'm sure it's even safer to do so now that their attention is focused on gen 9. I hope this helps!
  3. A couple years ago I edited my Sword save file against my better judgement to change my trainer's gender and name after having gone online already (in fact, I changed the name twice after it worked the first time). Surprisingly after going online again with the changes I never received any bans and still haven't to this day. So I was curious when I encountered someone in the game the other day named "dumb bitch" when a name like that should be impossible to even have in the first place, let alone online. I read from a few sources that you would get banned for doing this in Sword/Shield even though I never got caught (and this other person is getting away with an obvious hacked name for now at least). If anyone can provide info, I'd be interested in learning more about other experiences since I found pretty much nothing. 1. Have there been any actual reports of bans from anyone having made illegal edits such as changing the trainer name (for Sword/Shield exclusively)? Has anyone else done this and gotten away with it? 2. If this did cause a ban, was it specific to the save file or did it extend to anything else (HOME, NSO, console, etc.)? I'm interested in the answer to this one even if the ban was for something else. 3. Is there evidence of the January 2021 banwave strengthening all hack checks, or was this a specific attack on people distributing hacked Pokemon? I don't expect many responses but I wanted to share my unusual experiences and would like to potentially shed some light on these cases. I suspect that TPC's focus on blatant hacks such as unreleased shinies, hacked raid dens, etc. might cause them to turn a blind eye to obscure save edits like this.
  4. Let's say I have a Charizard that originated from SwSh, transferred to BDSP through HOME, and gained contest condition, ribbons, and other cosmetic data that is impossible for it to have without transfer or hacking (I know movesets for each game are saved server-side). Then at some point I want to edit information on the Charizard such as the OT, trainer ID, etc., so I wipe its HOME tracker value so HOME can't detect it as the same Pokemon. Would it be flagged anyway upon returning to HOME by either 1. being in a foreign game without a tracker or 2. having illegal ribbons or conditions for a Pokemon that supposedly never left its origin game? Or will it just generate a new value without bothering to check for those things? I'm guessing it's the latter, but I'd want to be sure before making any modifications like that going forward. Thanks!
  5. It works correctly now. Thanks for all your hard work!
  6. No problem! I just tried to edit something again with the newest development build (evocriteria.1+64) and it has the same issue still. Is it still using some old code by any chance? If this helps, I also tried version +59 since it looked like the update was pushed in that version and it shows this error instead when trying to open the HoF editor. I tested other versions released in between this and the newest one and they don't show the error.
  7. Hello again, I just tried to edit the same Hall of Fame entry in the latest version of the development build and it does the same thing. Am I doing something wrong or is the HOF editor still not working properly?
  8. Tonight I was trying to modify the Hall of Fame data for my Y save file, but every time I made a change, the TID associated with the Pokemon being edited was changed to 00001. Trying to change it back manually doesn't work, it reverts back to this default number even after saving. I tried testing this with an Alpha Sapphire save and it did the same thing, so this might be an issue with gen 6?
  9. I just thought I'd share that tonight I did successfully manage to make these changes to the player's room from my originally male save file. I used the block editor to compare several different save files, including saves from the very beginning of the game, and after a lot of elimination I found that these were the blocks that controlled how the player's room is decorated according to gender: 443FB19E 46ACC334 6148F6AC 7C86783F 8D321AB8 A5D0453A C3FB9E77 EE7D64D5 Some of these might have made other changes I don't know about, but I can confirm that after importing these blocks from a female save into my original save the entire room changed to the female one, meaning that these specific blocks (or at least some of the blocks among these) are where the info for the player's room decorations is stored. I don't expect that most people will need to make use of this information, but I wanted to follow up on what I found just for research purposes.
  10. Okay, I'll try to take a look at that at some point later. Thanks for your help!
  11. Thanks for responding, I kind of figured that this would be the case. If I were to take a female save and replace all of the non-gender specific save data with mine (play time, records, Mystery Gifts, etc.), would this work? Would I need to replace clothing gift records (ex. Ball Guy shirt), or is the record the same for both genders? Out of curiosity, I compared a male and female save's block data together and noticed that a lot of the Boolean blocks had swapped values between the two. Could these be related to gender, or are these just saved responses from character prompts during the story (or both)?
  12. I plan on making some major edits to my Sword save file eventually, including changing the gender of my trainer. While I've figured out how to do that successfully viewing other topics on this site, I don't think that the process of importing a female fashion block to a male save file and changing the gender ID changes what your trainer's room looks like from the start of the game (if anyone knows this, correct me if I'm wrong). For reference, here are screenshots of a "male" room and a "female" room. I know this is a stupid thing to worry about, especially considering the differences aren't as obvious as in previous games, but my goal is to make the save as authentic as possible. Thanks!
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