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  1. Thank you very much. I'm using HxD, yes. I managed to find the value, edit it and so on. I tested and, of course, it's working.
  2. Thanks for your answer. Let's see if I understood it. So, if I wanted to search 0x10B9, should I just search for 10B9?
  3. Hello! this is my first post in this community. I've downloaded a hex editor in order to edit the initial savegame file for Let's Go Pikachu, following this guide: The thing is I've never done hex editing before. I wanted to modify the Pikachu's gender, since the savegame I got here made it female. In the past I modified it directly using PkHex after obtaining it, but I found out that the home screen will always display the female version no matter what with this method. Now I'm willing to learn some hex editing for various reason and I tried searching for the starter gender value (0x10B9). The problem is that it doesn't find any value with "x" in it. I think I'm missing some crucial data that doesn't allow me to understand the guide. Could someone please help me with this? You can even provide guides for me to read, if you don't want to write it out yourself.
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