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Posts posted by Shade2074

  1. I've had no problem ripping all 512kb with Rudolph's wi-fi tool.

    Odd when I set Rudolph's wi-fi tool to download 512kb regardless, my save file is unreadable by pokesav,(I get strange numbers and garbled data where names and stats should be) however when I let it automatically choose it's own size I get 256kb save files that do work - though with the same problems as described above (either the changes will work or the changes won't and I'll have to make a new save and try again).

    I wonder why this works for some such as codemonkey and not for others. I'm using the original game (three of them in fact) purchased the first day it was released. As I have said before all three give me 256kb save files.

  2. Thank you VERY much, I really appreciate it - it works like a charm! =)

    Just out of curiosity, do you by chance know of any guides out that explain how create codes that use offsets & pointers? I've been using the guide found here:

    GBATemp A Basic Guide on How to Create AR Codes

    which doesn't yet include how to find offsets and pointers (though the auther says (s)he may include it at some point).

    Either way, thank you again for the code - it will be a big time saver for us! :)

  3. Hello,

    Sorry to bother you - I saw

    Infinite/Max Slot Coins <--- Made by Pokesav
    in the first post, and it was one of the codes I had been watching for some time now. I can't seem to find this code anywhere within this thread or the other thread with AR codes posted for platinum here.

    I assume that you mean that this code can be made using Pokesav but I am unable to find where it can be modified within the program at all. I DO see one for gold but not one for the coin case. If it is not too much trouble would you mind posting the code in one of these two threads so that I can finally have it?

    I DID try to make it on my own using methods I found on another site but when ever I think I find the address the value is stored in, it seems to change as soon as I reset the game - making my code no longer functional (I'm assuming it's one of those codes that require a pointer of some sort). Anyway, thank you again for your time!

  4. Hello again everyone! I'm, Jon - or Shade2074.

    I've played rpg's for as long as I can remember (starting pen, and paper and the rolling of dice for D&D). I'm and RPG fanatic! I've always enjoyed playing the DM - so programs like Pokésav and Pokémod appeal to that side of me! I like creating Pokémon for my game that would have stats similar to that which I might find in the TV shows or movies of Pokémon. I have two young children of my own who also enjoy watching/playing Pokémon as well - much of the research I do here in fact is for them.

    Last night I clicked my link for pokesav.org to see if there had been any updates and to follow up on a post or two and I discovered a whole new website with familliar people!

    I really like what I see so far! This site has a LOT of potential. I can't wait to see the site fill out as time goes on.

    Please keep up the great work!

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