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Hey, I'm Raven and I actually am semi-involved in the Pokemon fandom I guess. I've been playing Pokemon since second grade (I'm about to be a freshman in college, so 11 years?) and I pretty much grew up on it. My favorite game has to be Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance if my avatar is anything to show, but I'd say Final Fantasy 6/X, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Pokemon Colo/XD (talk as much shit as you want, I loved this game!), and Super Smash Bros Melee are up there. Oh, and New Super Mario Bros get a shout out for being awesome. I hope to post a lot here and make friends haha, more or less; I have MSN/AIM/Skype/Facebook (PM me for my facebook if you're really that curious) so I guess that can't be too hard.

And don't worry, I've read the rules. I've been online long enough to make that my first objective before even posting an intro thread.

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