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Hey guys. I was just looking through the Pokesav for HG&SS (US version) and I didn't see the Johto/Kanto towns and cities or routes. I was wondering if they were in this version or if im just doin it wrong. Please help ~Jackofspadesman


You have to edit the Hex Values in HGSS and set the place to 3002 (Farawayplace)

112- Battle Frontier

113- Battle Factory

114- Battle Castle

115- Battle Roulette

116- Battle Stage

117- Distortion World

118- Global Terminal

119- R.A House

120- Match Place

121- Rotom's Room

122- Eterna Galactic HQ

123- Iron Ruins

124- Iceberg Ruins

125- Rock Peak Ruins

2011- Cynthia*

(In Hex)

7E - New Bark Town

7F - Cherrygrove City

80 - Violet City

81 - Azelia Town

82 - Cianwood City

83 - Goldenrod City

84 - Olivine City

85 - Ecruteak City

86 - Mahogany Town

87 - Lake of Rage

88 - Blackthorn City

89 - Silver Cave

8A - Pallet Town

8B - Viridian City

8C - Pewter City

8D - Cerulean City

8E - Lavender Town

8F - Vermillion City

90 - Celadon City

91 - Fuchsia City

92 - Cinnabar Island

93 - Indigo Plateau

94 - Route 1

95 - Route 2

96 - Route 3

97 - Route 4

98 - Route 5

9A - Route 6

9B - Route 7

9C - Route 8

9D - Route 9

9E - Route 10

9F - Route 11

A0 - Route 12

A1 - Route 13

A2 - Route 14

A3 - Route 15

A4 - Route 16

A5 - Route 17

A6 - Route 18

A7 - Route 19

A8 - Route 20

A9 - Route 21

AA - Route 22

AB - Route 23

AC - Route 24

AD - Route 25

AE - Route 26

AF - Route 27

B0 - Route 28

B1 - Route 29

B2 - Route 30

B3 - Route 31

B4 - Route 32

B5 - Route 33

B6 - Route 34

B7 - Route 35

B8 - Route 36

B9 - Route 37

BA - Route 38

BB - Route 39

BC - Route 40

BD - Route 41

BE - Route 42

BF - Route 43

C0 - Route 44

C1 - Route 45

C2 - Route 46

C3 - Route 47

C4 - Route 48

C5 - Diglett Cave

C6 - Mt. Moon

C7 - Cerulean Cave

C8 - Rock Tunnel

C9 - Power Plant

CA - Safari Zone

CB - Seafoam Islands

CC - Sprout Tower

CD - Tin Tower

CE - Burnt Tower

CF - National Park

D0 - Radio Tower

D1 - Ruins of Alph

D2 - Union Cave

D3 - Slowpoke Well

D4 - Lighthouse

D5 - Rocket Hideout (Mahogany Town)

D6 - Ilex Forest

D7 - Goldenrod Underground

D8 - Mt. Mortar

D9 - Ice Path

DA - Whirl Islands (Lugia's Chamber)

DB - Silver Mountain Cave

DC - Dark Cave

DD - Victory Road

DE - Dragon's Den

DF - Tohjo Falls

E0 - Viridian Forest

E1 - Pokéthlon Dome

E2 - S.S. Aqua

E3 - Safari Zone Gate

E4 - Cliff Cave

E5 - Frontier Front

E6 - Path to Tin Tower

E7 - Shinto Ruins

E8 - Hidden Tower

E9 - Pokéwalker

EA - Cliff’s Gate

*2011 is the Hall of Fame for D/P/Pt, but when read for where the egg was from, Pt regards it as Cynthia.

  Gowon said:
You have to edit the Hex Values in HGSS and set the place to 3002 (Farawayplace)

ok so i was wondering... I put in the hex to 46h (where it was hatched) as 53 (which is Goldenrod City) and it comes up as Faraway Place... is there away I can make it say goldenrod city when in HG/SS?

  jackofspadesman said:
ok so i was wondering... I put in the hex to 46h (where it was hatched) as 53 (which is Goldenrod City) and it comes up as Faraway Place... is there away I can make it say goldenrod city when in HG/SS?

Reading my post would help.

44h: D0

45h: 07





Then again try the PokeGen program. It's more HEX friendly and all you got to do is click buttons, which is nice.

  • 3 weeks later...

Which hex code do you need to change that determines location? I forgot and I can't seem to find it on the forum

And Codr I downloaded your program and I'm getting the whole "Apparently Met" thing and the ID's are blank... I'm probably doing something wrong with the generator... but until I figure that out and I can make my pokemon look legit then to me PokeSav is a better choice for me.

Can someone with the know how just Update PokeSav and just call it a day?

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