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Pokesav help :(


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when i am trying to pokesav a pokemon (fully legal, btw) it sometimes wont let me fill in the OT boxes. when i press put your OT it doesnt do anything, and when i click the write your own box and press ok it doesnt stay there. does any1 know why?:frown:

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so theres no way around it then?

and another thing, i seem to have luck with writing the OT in the compact version. with the normal pokesav, i just open the file with notepad and its already in its columns, but when saved with compact version, its in a paragraph form. any way to fix that?

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when i am trying to pokesav a pokemon (fully legal, btw) it sometimes wont let me fill in the OT boxes. when i press put your OT it doesnt do anything, and when i click the write your own box and press ok it doesnt stay there. does any1 know why?:frown:

just tinker around with it.. i managed it eventually.

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