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True UU destruction

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I made a promise to myself that when I got here i would share all of my favorite teams with everyone and the ones that work the best. If someone does use this team tell me how it works out for you because i want to post my good teams but it does no good if it's to difficult for others to use so without further Adue i bring to you. My true UU destruction team

Oh and not to be a jerk but if one person suggest DB on froslass i'm gonna lose it.lol I tried it it doesnt work because of well you'll see in a second

Froslass@focus sash


snow cloak

evs: 252spatk/252speed/6hp


shadow ball

hidden power fire

ice beam

this is a fake lead froslass and froslass is a very good lead by the way because it not only can take hits but can dish them out and it is resistant to ambipoms fake outs. What it does is attack and keep attacking and typically you are guareenteed at least 2 free attacks. because froslass out speeds mostly everything in UU being in the same speed class as gengar. Or because 9/10 your opponent will taunt you first assuming you with go for spikes or destiney bond. now the reason i said don't reccomend Destiney bond is because this is a fake froslass lead it is used for drawing in taunts in exchange for free attacks and after taunt destiny bond wont work anymore so yeah just don't do it lol.

Uxie@light clay




thunder wave

light screen



A set I borrowed from someone on smogon just changed the spread a little. Uxies job is to provide bulk for the team and allow us to cause some shenanigans plus uxie can take on any rain dance team by it's self no joke. it destroys kabutops, floatzel, omastar, and many more. T-bolt was the move of choice because many people run water types in UU and tbolt hits alot of stuff for neutral damage in UU also so it is just a great move to have. also It dodges all earthquakes (barring rampardos and pinsir)



volt absorb



ice beam


heal bell

Lanturn is a huge staple in this team it is a great special defence wall and after reflect a great physical wall. lanturn has a great move pool as is being able to hit it's ground type weakness for SE damage, same with fellow water types and grass types not to mention volt absob taking the danger out of any elec attacks:) but her main job is status eliminator she rids my team of toxic, burn, sleep and you know where i'm going with this.



water absorb

252hp/200attack/58 spdef

bulk up



brick break

Ok now here is where the sweepers come in. Most of you all who look at my RMTs will notice i'm a tank lover so yeah.lol Ok this is a poliwrath set i made. I pick careful over adamant because I am going to gain attack power from bulking up so much so why bother with that nature and not to mention i dont want my poliwrath sweep to be brought to a close by a special attacker. now after uxie gets up the screens it is pretty much GG because this thing just spells out RAPESVILLE for my opponents I bulk up and get my def and attack stat up then I begin to sweep. sub is here for status blocking and free attacks when we can get them. even venusaur hates getting hit with bulk up stabb waterfalls which would usually wall a poliwrath completly but not mine:)






hidden power (grass)

shadow ball

calm mind

Ahhh my new favorite special sweeper raikou it's bulky strong fast and ready to whoop some______ well you know what belongs there. this raikou is different from most as you can see i still have calm mind but no sub why is that? Lanturn!!!!! lanturn allows him not to worry about status because he can just heal bell it off so i am actually free to have calm mind as well as 3 other moves as opposed to 2 measly attacks. this set even rapes the standard CMer set. I had a battle against one yesterday and he had 2 calm minds and i had 1. well he burned out some of his HP trying to use sub and all i did was keep shadow balling after that 1 calm mind and low and behold my raikou came out on top. this raikou is also guarenteed to ohko gastrodon, and quagsire who have become big walls over the past couple months so hp grass is better than ice or ground for those reasons

toxicroak@black sludge


dry skin

Vacuume wave

hp grass

nasty plost

dark pulse

this girl is the greatest she rapes first with hp grass she isn't walled by gatrodon or quagsire who wall toxicroak any other time and set up on it. she also takes out milotic, venusaur, registeel, steelix, and more. after a nasty plot there is virtually nothing that can stop her after 2 nasty plots not can stop her and thanks to uxie's screens setting up is really easy to do and makes for a bulky tank toxicroak who is healed by water thanks to dry skin. to bad she is hurt in the sun. However black sludge acts as a sun screen it brings back the hp lost from sun damage. but dark pulse is for ghost and psychicsm hp grass for the ground types who would hit her for super effective damage(unless it's dugtrio if it is then just kill it with vacuume wave.

well there is my team so please leave comments what you think rate my team out of 10 10 being it is great 1 being what the hell is wrong with you have to be great to make this work because this team sucks.

by the way this team is 25-2

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Ok UU is my favourite so I'll try and do your team a bit of justice with this rate xD.

I made a promise to myself that when I got here i would share all of my favorite teams with everyone and the ones that work the best. If someone does use this team tell me how it works out for you because i want to post my good teams but it does no good if it's to difficult for others to use so without further Adue i bring to you. My true UU destruction team

Oh and not to be a jerk but if one person suggest DB on froslass i'm gonna lose it.lol I tried it it doesnt work because of well you'll see in a second

Ok I won't .. but I'm already thinking it :P

Froslass@focus sash


snow cloak

evs: 252spatk/252speed/6hp


shadow ball

hidden power fire

ice beam

Ok so what you have is nice looking anti lead that will take out an ambipom - possibly. Ambi will taunt a ghost before it uses fake out ... unless the user is real stupid. So you will get one hit in which won't kill it due it's own sash and inadaquate special attack. After that it will U-turn away (breaking your sash) and send in an adaquate counter. Though the counter will be something that resists ice - you seem to have it all covered. However, Froslass does have a lacklustre non boosted special attack - it's base 80 I believe. and as such you won't be hurting many things - such as registeel who can happily shrug off the first ice beam - with stand HP fire (20.9% damage at best) - lay rocks - and then get the kill with Iron head, and then depending on the variant either curse up in the face of the next pokemon, or rest off the damage. In which situation you've done nothing, you've not stopped the lead, set spikes, ticked anyone or put anyone to sleep. This is rather situational but it can happen (one of teams revolves around the U Turn Ambipom for Swellow leads.) So my suggestion would be give it a modest nature and enough speed to outspeed common walls and all ground types, then throw the excess into HP ... similarly you could run trickspecs ... that will screw an ambipom/uxie/_SR leads_/_Status inducing leads_, and do heavy damage to everything else. Though if you're worried about accidently putting specs on something that could benefit from it there is trickscarf that you could use which is the safer option (most of the time).

Froslass (F) @ Choice Specs

Ability: Snow Cloak

EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd

Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Trick

- Shadow Ball

- Ice Beam

- Whatever you feel you need most in this last slot (that could even mean Dbond :P)

Uxie@light clay




thunder wave

light screen



Ok Every team needs a physical wall especially in UU. This is more of a team playing wall - what with it's double screening. And it looks good enough. I just question whether weezing might do the job better or not as it can eliminate a physical threat almost straight away. Gone is the agility blaziken with haze, Choice scarf hotmon lee and medicham aren't going to like being burnt and moltres won't like the thunder bolt on the switch. Though if you don't like the idea of losing screens then I guess your wall may work better ... it just depends on whether you want an immediate counter or something to wall. Similarly weezing forms good synergy with lanturn. It can't take too many special grass hits that are aimed at lanturn though - so that may be where uxie gets the upper hand.

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 SAtk

Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Will-o-wisp

- Thunderbolt

- Flamethrower

- Haze/Painsplit/Explosion.

When I run Weezing in UU I usually go with haze as every blaziken and his brother are boosting one stat or another.



volt absorb



ice beam


heal bell


One of my favourite pokes too, in fact is my favourite special wall. I run a subparafusion set that reaalalalay winds up the opponent and gets the upper hand on almost every special sweeper. I would say the set you have at the moment probably provides you the best with what your team is trying to accomplish, so we'll leave it at that :D. Though I would recommend slapping on confuse ray in place of surf .. or maybe even substitute, just something that can help with longevity. You might wanna also mess with the EV's too ... give it some physical defence so that it can take a hit should it need to. Mine can take earthquakes and get the upper hand with confuse + sub + surf. (and if all else fails I switch in Weezing ;) )



water absorb

252hp/200attack/58 spdef

bulk up



brick break

Ok so it would seem that this would be the focus of your team - get him to sweep :D. So I'm not going to mess with it. If it's working for you great... I can't think of anything better in any case :D. Maybe give it focus punch ... the sub is going to be a tough cookie to break, and the opponent should be attacking first most of the time so you should find plenty of opportunities to get the focus punch in.






hidden power (grass)/Substitute

shadow ball

calm mind

Fine. I ran this set too but with substitute ... that was unstopable late game :).

toxicroak@black sludge


dry skin

Vacuume wave

hp grass

nasty plost

dark pulse

I've tried to run this set before and it just wouldn't work for me :(. I hope it's giving you more use than it did me. I feel this pokes spot could be used by someone else though. MAybe a mixed Nidoking or Altaria. Or maybe even some sort of spinner. Torkoal could fit the bill and be used as water absorb bait for poliwrath. Thiough torkoal is weak to rock so .. more trouble than it's worth most the time.

well there is my team so please leave comments what you think rate my team out of 10 10 being it is great 1 being what the hell is wrong with you have to be great to make this work because this team sucks.

by the way this team is 25-2

Impressive score :P.

My teams like 2 - 25 xD.

Anyway you got a lot of resistances, hard hitters and some good synergy here and there so I'd give it 7.5 out of 10. I think you might be weak to stall at times ... though who isn't :P. And also not conviced about Toxicroak on the last spot so you might wanna put a wall breaker in its place. But if it works for you then so be it :D.

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Yeah my lanturn takes eqs from life orb rhyperior after reflect. And this tesm isnt stall weak because i i have toxicroak to absorb toxic spikes and everything else resist or takes neutral damage to stealth rocks. And .lol you should tell me not to run toxicroak based upon a bias you have toward it it works well and sweeps enitre teams for me. Focus punch was an option i did try also but brick break lets me go faster than things i outspeed and holds subs longer. Uxie is better than weezing in terms of supporting its team mates dual screening is far better than wisping

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.lol you should tell me not to run toxicroak based upon a bias you have toward it it works well and sweeps entire teams for me.

Part bias part reason. The reasoning being that something like Nidoking can provide you the same toxic absorbing and can provide an instant threat with it's larger movepool. Sure given the chance to set up toxicroak is going to outclass nido and be an absolute beast, but in terms of coming in and eliminating something nido is better in my opinion, seeing as it is attacking from both sides of the spectrum with unpredictable moves. Also it'll take a hit better (nidoking taking 10% damage less from most attacks). But I've not tried out the team so I'm just thinking theoretically.

And there's no sun damage of course.

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Ill tell you like everyone told me. I love nidoking my next rmt is going to be a nidoking sweep team but just because he can score alot of super effective hits doesnt mean they will ko which is what i want no if ands or butt. doesnt mean he will ohko. And i like nidoking but cacturne is my favorite wall breaker:) ohko max hp latios with suker punch even without max attack.

And toxicroak isnt for the suprise factor so that part doesn't matter it is here to sweep plain and simple bro everyone knows how good nidokings move pool is it lacks only two move typings grass and psychic. Which leaves him open to being walled by gastrodon and quagsire toxicroak is faster than nidoking and in terms of spatk higer base plus has the ability to raise its spatk unlike nidoking and last but not lease nidoking does not have special attacking priority in fact the only priority move nidoking gets is sucker punch which low and behold toxicroak gets also. So now do you see why toxicroak is better for this team

Yeah and im sorry but no nidoking isnt better and comming in and destrying things i love nidoking i use him on my ou team but toxicroak outclasses him by far in terms of checking his own weaknesses and sweeping

And toxicroak does more damage but faster

And about the sun black sludge pretty much wipes that away. And while nidoking has fun in the sun it is in for alot of pain when it comes to rain something toxicroak loves

You do have a point nidoking is bulkier but not more destructive. Unpredictable yes but destructive no

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