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Importing PKM (Stuck trying to help my sister)


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Hi guys, please forgive the wordiness. :smile:

My sister has just about caught them all but of course can't get a select few (Mew/Mewtoo, Arceus, etc). I'm trying to help her out. I've read over the forums and I have to admit, you guys are geniuses being able to do this sort of thing because a lot of it is right over my head.

She owns a retail copy of Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (AU) and a retail Pokemon Platinum and a completed ROM of Pokemon Platinum. Here's what I understand so far...

I can import her Platinum SAV into Pokesav. I get PKMs from somewhere like http://www.pkmdb.com . Import them and save it to the SAV file (placing it somewhere, either the Storage Box or on the trainer himself).

My questions:

- I'm guessing it's best if I trade them to her from her Platinum ROM (I don't want to mess with her retails)?

- How do I make them look legitimate? What's the exact science to this? I don't want them to have crazy levels or stats or impossible moves, she just wants to actually have them all. Because they're being traded from Platinum to HG/SS, does the Trainer ID/Secret ID matter?

- Because they're being traded on, does it matter which location you put them in (storage/trainer's party)? Will it have the "apparently" stigma with them even if they were traded?

I suppose the question really is, how do I get these Pokemon to look legit and be natural?

I know a lot of questions get asked, and probably a trillion noob ones like mine. If there's a really simple guide that I may have missed, please link me to them and accept my apologies. I've tried, and like I said, it's a little over my head at the moment.

Thanks and cheers. :)

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I'll answer your questions in a random order... *cough

If it's not from the original game, it will have the whole "apparently received/caught/hatched/met" shtick for the summary, that's just how the game works. If it's on the original cart, with the correct ID/SID/NAME/Trainer Gender, then it won't have the "apparently" before anything.

Trading is best if you don't want too much of a mess. I haven't dealt with ROMs, but I wouldn't risk it.

How to make legit:

1) If it's shiny, you need to use the IV generator (found on this site's homepage in the download section) to get the correct PID/IV set for a ID/Secret ID combination.

2) Make the pokemon seem like it hatched from an egg if it's shiny or not. Having it hatched from an egg makes the IV/PID irrelevent and makes the pokemon pass for legit, shinies should still have the "correct" PID for it to come out half decent.

3) Max IVs are possible, but don't go overboard. The average Pokemon has about 110-130 total IVs. If your pokemon is bread (hatched) it is more likely to have higher IVs. Pokemon in the wild rarely have IVs over 25 and they don't amount to much unless you're really lucky. So again, this is why you should make the Pokemon seem hatched.

4) Proper move-set and ability. Always use legit ability/moves. Anything unlegit will raise a red flag... This is pretty obvious.

5) Proper skill setting. There's something in the nature/gender selection of the pokesav that says class 1 and class 2. That's basically saying ability 1 and ability 2.

For example:

Togekiss has two abilities. Hustle and Serene Grace. Hustle is 1, Serene Grace is 2. I want Serene Grace, so I put it to class 2.

You can find out which skill is which by looking on http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/

6) After inputting IVs/EVs/Level, go to the stat editing section and click "All Max" to make it legal. Don't tick any of the other boxes, since those are unneeded.

It sounds kind of complicated, but it's not really that hard. If need be, you can follow this thing I put together for a friend. This is how you make ALMOST any legal Pokemon for a Heart Gold(or Soul Silver if you change the region).

The 44h-445h values are for the Johto Day Care Couple, while the 46h value is for the location the egg hatched (which is Goldenrod City in this case). The 86h value is for the ball it was found in, and it should always be 04 if it's a hatched pokemon IF it's from HG/SS. Making a pokemon in Platnium does NOT require you to mess with ANY hex values, so if it's not for HG/SS, then you don't need to do all the extra stuff. The rest of the stuff IS needed, however. As for your PID, make sure you click "generate PID" after you set EVERYTHING for your Pokemon. This isn't needed, but I guess it's just like a cherry on top.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is what i do to avoid all the editing and confusing stuff:

1. Go to this site : http://www.pkmdb.com/

2. Look on the right hand side for a box labeled downloads. The pkm are grouped in pkm files(normal run of the mill pokemon ) and event(pokemon distributed via special events, wifi, etc.)

3. Download any you need. Don't need to edit them. when put in your game it will be as if it was traded. If you want them to appear as if you caught them then some edits with pokesav may be required.

Now next step can go two ways depending on what you want:

4a. If you just want to get the pokemon without the pokedex data just use pokesav, open the rom you want to put the pokemon in and load the pokemon you downloaded into either the party or storage boxes.

or if you want the pokedex info also, do this instead of 4a

4b.Go here: http://community.livejournal.com/pokewifi/2167924.html

this shows you a method to pass pkm files from your pc directly to your game via the GTS. In the end the games sees it as if you traded the pokemon even though you don't have to give a pokemon in return. This way when the pokemon goes to your game the pokedex gets updated automatically. One thing to note is that useing this method evolves pokemon that evolve via tradeso if you use this method on for example a haunter it will evolve into a gengar once you receive it.(avoid this by making a minor edit in pokesav and giving it an everstone) .pokemon that evolve via trade while holding an item also evolve if they have tyhe item required when using this method.

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