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[hgsssprite]152[/hgsssprite] Playthrough as Chikorita [hgsssprite]152[/hgsssprite]

"Are you a boy or a girl? Won't you please tell me?"

~ Professor Oak

^--- pervert alert!

So like I said, if I ever get this game, I will take the challenge as the ridiculously challenged Chikorita. While Cyndaquil remained a great force to play as ever since GSC and Totodile got new tools to play with, Chikorita remained largely the same as her GSC counterpart: a support unit starter. And in-game definitely supports offensive type Pokemon more than support Pokemon as your main Pokemon. Not to mention how it is clearly disadvantaged against the first two gyms. Will it be possible to play through the game as Chikorita? In this thread I will write through with my experiences and show you that perhaps it is not all that impossible (or give up miserably). This will be divided into two arcs: Johto and Kanto... and at the end of each I will upload a save file (as usual) for people to download I suppose (and for me to back up). I should have put more screenshots... but I guess it couldn't be helped. I only thought about writing this whole thing now.

Oh, and by the way, I have horrible luck. Yes, I do not believe in luck, but most people will know what I am talking about.

Feel free to comment whenever possible. It is an in-progress thread and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Arc I: Johto League

Starting the Game


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Well, okay, the beginning of the game is straightforward... although I cannot access my menu! What?! So I go downstairs... and talk to mom, and then she gives me stuff for a touch screen menu? SWEET! So I have to head to Professor Elm... and look out... but some girl's Marrill bumps into me. Oh hey it's Mario! The girl comes up to me and slaps me in the face saying, "NOT MARIO! My name is Lyra!" Oh... how nice. How was I supposed to know? I COULD see the resemblance Pippi Longstockings -_-

And some weird red haired boy is oddly standing at the left side of the lab. I go in to see what he is doing... and I find out the ugly truth: he is pissing on the side wall! Horrified I run away to tell mommy, but before he does that he shoves me, saying "what are you staring at?". Oh yeah?! Wanna mess? Once I get my Pokemon I will beat you into pulps... and tell everyone you were pissing at Professor Elm's lab. Anyways, into Professor Elm's...

Professor Elm calls on Gold to come in to his lab for some fun... but gets some email before he gets to have his fun. This email is from Mr. Pokemon! He says he found an egg and apparently his other claims are just rants. Professor Elm, being as "busy" as always, just sends you to go for him instead. Okay... so time to pick a starter Pokemon!!

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So obviously I pick Chikorita, and go on in a journey of doom... fight Pokemon along the way, Pidgeys and Sentrets until I run to Cherrygrove City. But wait! Must talk to mom first... and she gives me a Pokegear. Fun. Now off to Cherrygrove. Ooh a berry tree? Wait, I can't get it. :( The first critical hit in this game went to the wild Pidgey who Tackled me for a whopping 8 damage. And here I am, at Cherrygrove City. Now some cheery old man comes in and tries to guide me, but he is WAY TOO FAST! How is he running that fast? I'm MUCH younger! Anyhow after a while he gives me the Running Shoes... and I'm able to run. Going off to Route 30 someone stops me... the Old Man wants to give me something else? Cool, a map card for the Pokegear! And I'm off... go to a house to find some guy giving me an Apricorn case. Whee... now I can shake stuff off trees and it gives me these colorful fruits. Heading left, some punk kid tells me they're having a battle and that I cannot pass. COME ON. So I head right... but this route is full of Weedles and Kakunas... the latter which drains 20 of my tackles per battle but gives ~ 40ish EXP after win. All right, a berry tree. Cool, another Apricorn... and Mr. Pokemon's house.

Mr. Pokemon here... gives me an egg. But what could it be? Now Professor Oak comes and... wait what?! OH NO IT'S THE ONE WHO ASKED ME IF I WAS A BOY OR A GIRL!! D: As my player shoots the professor and escapes from the scene of the crim- wait, let me start that again.

Where was I? Oh right! Professor Oak... right... that's where I was. He gives me a Pokedex and tells me to complete it... just like how he tortured some other kid three years ago, but this time the Pokedex is IMPROVED. It holds 251 Pokemon, not just 151! Oh awesome! Now I go out of the house after Mr. Pokemon heals my Pokemon and... guess who is calling? It's Professor Elm! Are you proud that I got the job done? Oh what? No? Wait?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT CYNDAQUIL GOT STOLEN?! I WAS GONNA STEAL IT FIRS- erm I mean... THAT'S HORRIBLE! Going down to Cherrygrove City and still meeting Weedles and Pidgeys and the occassional Kakunas, I start healing up my Pokemon and head back to New Bark Town, but.............. some red haired kid stops me on the way... and he has some punk theme playing. Oh... it's the pisser boy from Professor Elm's lab... and he calls me weak? Pffh... wanna battle? Let's go!

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And now that is done... he says he will be the greatest Pokemon master. In your dreams. Oh by the way, you fail... you dropped your Trainer ID card... and I saw your name. Oh? You noticed! Finally... here, take your card, yes, I saw your name... but it's covered with piss. So ewww... take it back. I'm gonna head back to New Bark Town.

"Rule No. 1: the one who committed the crime will always return to the scene of the crime."*

~ Police Officer

* note: not in verbatim for my memory is fuzzy

Professor Elm's lab... hey it's Officer Krupke. And what?! NO NO NO! You got the wrong guy! That pisser boy with red hair was the one who did this not me! Right Professor Elm? What?! PROFESSOR ELM?! WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! TELL THEM THAT I DIDN'T DO THIS!!

... and in comes Mari-erm... what's her face? Lyra, right. She comes in, slaps me for almost calling her Mario again... and tells the Police Officer that it was the red haired boy and not me. Heh heh, it's my girlfriend to the rescue! Oh what? You didn't hear anything! I was only thinking loudly! But hey! Officer Krupke... I saw his name! Yes I did sir... and his name was...

"Enter Rival's name: SILVER"

You're lucky I'm so nice pisserboy... or else my friends would have named you something incredibly wrong. And then Officer Krupke leaves... gee Officer Krupke.. Krup you! And Mari-*gets slapped* Mari-*gets slapped* M-*gets slapped*... FINE! LYRA LYRA... leaves too :)

Now Professor Elm, who was just standing there and was about to get me arrested, demands that he sees the egg. WHAT?! After all the trouble you put me through, you lazy bum?! NO WAY! But he takes the egg anyways :( He then tells me to embark on a quest to catch all the Pokemon because some crazy old guy named Professor Oak told me to... but tell mom first? Yeah I must.

Gold: "Mom! You don't understand! There's this pedophile old professor who wanted to know if I was a boy or a girl and some pisser boy who wants me dead and Professor Elm isn't a friend! He's an accomplice of the pedophile and was gonna get me arrested! Please don't let me do this... please don't make me go!!"

Mom: "Oh! You're going on an adventure? Do you want me to save money for you?"

Gold: "But mom! Why am I going on a journey by myself to catch all 250 (plus one) Pokemon?!"

Mom: "Okay, I'll save your money darling. Good luck on your adventure!"

Gold: *sigh* bye mom...

... that didn't work so well. I suppose... and oh no it's ermmmmMari-*slap* Lyra! Hi! So you're gonna show me how to catch a Pokemon? I did this like over 9000 times... no need to show me! Ooh, Pokeballs?! GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME...

*after tutorial ends*

GIMME GIMME GIMME... *receives 15 Balls* GIMME oh. W00t! Thanks M-*slaps and takes 10 balls*. Darn it :(

Okay, gonna go to this route and capture me some Pogeymans! Heh heh heh.. oh what's this?

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Okay, now to head to Cherrygrove, heal... go up that route... and wow, the left side is that noob trainer who thought he could block my way. I take down his level 4 runt... erm, Rattata and he asks me for my phone number so he can stalk me. He lost to the other noob up there... let's see why. Youngster Joey lost to Youngster Mike because... oh, Mike has a level 2 Pidgey AND a level 4 Rattata. See? And now I go up and find a bunch of Kakunas killing my Tackle PP (and occassional misses gives it free Hardens) really messed me up. Anyhow, some Bug Catchers are here and my Pidgey finally learns Sand Attack. Ooh... and Bug Catcher Wade asks me for my phone number... aw come on! When am I ever gonna find some girls? :(

And here I am in Violet City... and go into that huge tower at the top. They call it Sprout Tower because these old dudes... have level 3 Bellsprouts in their teams. OOH... Pidgey training time! And with Pidgey and Chikorita, I bust through the tower, taking everyone down one by one... and eventually reach their leader--- PISSER BOY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!

Pisserboy: I just beat this guy cuz hes so weak yo! Imma use ma escape rope yo and piss on ya later!

*Silver used Escape Rope*

Hmm... and he left an Escape Rope at the right side just for me. How nice ^^

And here... is the old sage. Let's see what he has...

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And now the Elder gives me TM70 (Flash). Oh, it's a TM now. How interesting. Now we must head to the gym and beat the first gym leader. *gulp* I don't think I'm ready :(

And so... WOW! It has an elevator lift! First Bird Keeper fights my Chikorita with a Spearow! Uh oh... but fortunately it spams Growl... although it's annoying :(

Second one had two Pidgeys who kept spamming Sand Attack... but I smarted up and switched to Pidgey with Keen Eye. But even then they kept spamming Sand Attack. Why AI? Why are you so dumb?

Now finally... the grand maestro of this gym...

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So after that Professor Elm calls me and YEAH I KNOW GO TO THE POKECENTER TO PICK UP THAT EGG YOU STOLE FROM ME K. THX. BAI. I go to the Pokemon Center... but his Aide isn't there! WHAT?! So I heal up my Pokemon and go to the Mart and... oh what? He's there? I guess it's different from the original game. So now to head down from Violet, pick up that Apricorn... being stopped by a man who gives me a Miracleseed (oh thank you!) which Leafie will enjoy... and down to Union Cave. What adventures await for Gold next?

To be continued...

Edited by wraith89

Previously on Gold's Adventure in a version named after his rival


- Gold chooses [icon]152[/icon] as his starter Pokemon

- Gold catches a [icon]016[/icon]

- Gold defeats the Sprout Tower's elder and gains TM70 (Flash)

- Gold defeats Falkner and gains the ZephyrBadge... and TM51 (Roost)

[icon]185[/icon]Mysterious Tree[icon]185[/icon]

Headed left of Violet is a route blocked by some tree. It wiggles. It shakes. But it can't do much else. Some guy stares at it 24/7 and complains he cannot do anything about it :/ Hey! You have Rock Smash! Smash the tree! Wait what do you mean you can't smash trees with that? That tree is really a - oh. I'm not supposed to spoil anything. Moving on.

By the way, the little grass patch at the northwest corner of this route they added in Crystal disappeared... so sorry people, no early Growlithe/Vulpix for you :(. Of course, this isn't a problem if your starter is [icon]155[/icon]... but for other people, you will have to wait a long time until you can get an actual Fire poke without the usage of the GTS. Anyways, we'll head south.

[icon]201[/icon]Ruins of Alph[icon]201[/icon]

There's really nothing here aside from the northern puzzle where you can basically use your stylus or DS buttons/D-pad to get a picture of Kabuto. Once you match it you will fall from great heights and get bombarded by Alphabet Soup. They look something like this:

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Once that is done, you will get the Unown List (or something like that). Now you won't come back here in a while... so head out. And yes, the music is still creepy. Moving on to the right... and out of the gatehouse...

[icon]179[/icon]Onto Azalea Town![icon]179[/icon]

There is a berry tree to the north of this route and it leads you to Violet City. Oh, and it seems a grass patch was added here. It carries stuff like Rattata, Ekans, Hoppip, Zubat, and the rare Mareep and Wooper. I forgot to mention, if you are REALLY annoyed by Falkner and do not wish to use Geodude/Onix, go for a Mareep.

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Now some man will stop you if you did not grab the Zephyrbadge. If you did get the Zephyrbadge, he will stop you anyways because you didn't grab the egg from the PokeMART (not the Pokecenter). Anyhow, even if you get the egg from the Pokemart, you will be stopped anyways. Thankfully, he gives you a Miracleseed. Whoo hoo! Leafie will surely like this! If you did not pick [icon]152[/icon] give it to [icon]069[/icon], who can be fairly useful.

Then going down I encounter some trainers... who use Rattatas and Zubats. Oh great... maybe I ought to give you a description about Zubat.

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Hmm... grass or no grass? Ooh Pokeball! Let's go into the Gras-aw darn it! Another wild Zubat appeared! Where's your Firebats when you need to exterminate some Zerglings? Oops wrong game. To my right is Picknicker Liz. She's busy on her phone... and is busy for hours and hours. When they say girls are chatty, they are sure right. I mean... how long can you stand in that corner talking to God-knows-who for 24/7? And you can battle me while doing all that? Crazy... girl. And now she asks me for my phone number! Erm... sure, but don't get my number mixed up for somebody else's, all right?

Moving down is a Camper with a Nidoran Male. How wonderful... but does not ask me for a phone number. To the right is a pier filled with cranky Fishermen. Whatever you do, avoid the one facing south. He has a bunch of Magikarps which are NOT worth the experience (unless you are one of those competitive people looking for 4 Speed EVs and/or almost leveling up). The one in the bottom is Fisherman Ralph, who treats me like a kid... and will ask me for his phone number. Erm... kay. Whoa! Chikorita hit level 16... it's time for an evolution!

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Now some other Youngster is down here with... a Wooper?! Hey kid! I've been looking for that thing for hours! How'd you get one??

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Down the route we go and some fatso is blocking the way. MOVE. Wait what? You wanna sell me a Slowpoketail for 1000000 Poke money? That's ridiculous! That's 1 more than the max I can carry... and you say you thought kids today are loaded. Not with that outrageous price you filthy varmin! And what am I supposed to do with a tail that's cut off anyways? Ugh... weirdo. Onto the Pokemon Center.

In the Pokemon Center is some cool fishing guy who gives me an Old Rod. Awesomesauce. Now I'm out and whoops... some guy comes up to me and says "You beat Falkner?" Yes I did... the trainer (I believe his name is Birdkeeper Rod) has a Spearow and Pidgeys or something like that. Carrying on... since my Pidgey made short work out of them. Inside Union Cave!

[icon]095[/icon]Inside Union Cave[icon]095[/icon]

Hmm... the layout of this cave kinda changed overall. In fact, that Firebreather is moved to the northwestern side of the cave... and he has my favorite Fire Pokemon, Vulpix! Don't worry, despite how he says his Pokemon lights up the entire cave, fainting it won't make the cave go dark. I was hoping it would :(

Down the ladder are some items... and since I can't swim across in fear of those Hikers who did some scary stuff to people in Kanto three years ago I heard... I think I'll just loot the items and get outta here! (By the way don't worry; the girl got out safe thanks to her Wartortle). And going back to that creepy Firebreather who was breathing fire into my face... let's just hope I don't meet a Hike-AHHH! It's a HIKER! His name is Daniel and has a giant rock snake called Onix. Hmm... piece of cake for Bayleef. Just Razor Leaf it. If you are using Totodile, just Water Gun it. If you have Quilava, get a Wooper. Seriously, that Onix can be annoying... but you will come out on top if you try hard enough. Score one for Bayleef. Oh right... information about Onix... coming right up.

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Whew... defeated that Hiker. My Bayleef will make sure no Hiker will gang up on- AHH it's another one! This one has three Geodudes... Razor Leaf all three and that's all she wrote! No Hiker will, erm... grab me! Going down is a crazy firebreather who is annoyed at Zubats supersonicing his Pokemon. Well, that's nice, but don't make my life harder! Ugh... Koffings... I suppose my Bayleef won't do. Go Pidgey! Fortunately, his Koffings' Smogs missed on Pidgey. Make sure you have an Antidote just in case your Pokemon gets poisoned. If your Pokemon is poisoned and you have no Antidote, you're bound to have a Potion. Don't worry, just keep walking around until the Poison fades away, and use potion on your Pokemon. Yes, Poison is no longer lethal in the overworld.

Now moving down is... a guy with the creepiest soundtrack ever. But before that let's grab that item first.

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He has a Slowpoke... which Bayleef can Razor Leaf, Totodile can Bite, and Quilava can... get annoyed by. Score two for Bayleef ^^

Hmm... nothing here... just headed to the right and exiting this creepy cave (finally!). Hey, it's raining. Seems Bayleef is enjoying it. Quilava... will hate it. Score three for Bayleef :P

Two Apricorn trees down there... and oh eww! It's another Hiker... who has "enough energy" even after the hike through the cave. Help me... I can't get no relief Lord :(

He has a Geodude... taken down by Bayleef and Totodile/Croconaw... and Quilava who gets even more annoyed thanks to lack of effectiveness and the rain. And he also has a Machop... easily dispatched by your Flier. Totodile's Water Gun is stronger in the rain. Score four for Bayleef! ^^

Now I am onto Azalea Town...

TO BE CONTINUED... I'm really tired...

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