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Guide to getting PKhex on android phones


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Note: The experience is kinda janky but if you are playing Pokemon games on your phone and want to edit your save files without using a pc it is 100% doable!

Install Winlator on your phone, there are plenty of guides for this but basically just go to the Winlator github and download the latest version (currently 7.1), open your downloads folder, run the apk and if you get a popup say you want to install it.
Download Wine 9.12 x64 from github

Open Winlator and go to the Settings page and select "Install Wine" then navigate to your downloads folder and select Wine 9.12 x64 (Note there are several versions of Wine in x64. Only the regular one worked for me and both the staging versions crashed Winlator when I tried to install them)
Go to the Winlator Container page and hit the "+" button to make a new container.
-Make sure the Wine version is set to 9.12 (not Wine 9.2 which is currently the default)
-Make sure the Winlator container is set to have the D drive in a folder you can access on your phone (by default mine wasn't)
Download Dot Net Desktop 8.0.5 x64 (or higher) and place it in the folder you set to be your D drive (note you only need the desktop x64 version and not the entire Dot Net package) (Note that if you run Pkhex without Dot Net Desktop 8 installed it will offer to download it for you in Wine and when I clicked accept nothing ever downloaded so to get it to work I downloaded it from my phone's web browser and moved it into the folder I designated as the emulated Windows D drive.)
Place PKhex in the folder you set to be your D drive
Launch Winlator and click the dropdown options on the Container and select Run.
When Windows starts click the start menu and select "Install Wine Mono"
In Windows use the File Explorer to open your D drive and run the Dot Net Desktop 8 installer
Pkhex should now work.

Note that when you go to load the save file (Just put the save file you want to edit in the D drive folder) there is like a 50% chance Winlator will crash at this point but you can just run the container again so it doesn't bother me.
Also you will need to click pkhex.exe like 100 times to get it to launch, just keep spam clicking.
And while you could use Winlators xinput emulated controls I strongly suggest a bluetooth trackpad/keyboard.

Edited by Wolf_
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