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I'm not sure for the legal meter of PkHeX


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Something that worries me is how reliable the legal alert in PkHeX is. I am very new to the topic of generating or modifying Pokémon. I would like to be completely sure of how the detection of a modified one versus a non-modified one works, and how much it affects what I call ‘minor modifications’ like moveset, IVs, EVs, friendship, and level, or directly one created as a probable illegal Pokémon that could not be correctly transferred to HOME. I wouldn’t want to risk sending them to HOME and losing some that I have a certain attachment to.

I mean, some of my Pokémon, which were obtained completely legally from the game, I have modified in one way or another as I mentioned. Although the program tells me they are still legal, I can’t shake the doubt that something might be wrong.

Could someone explain this to me or tell me where I can better understand it? Thanks in advance and sorry for the probably bad English.


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PKHeX does its best to tell what's legal and what's not. Most of PKHeX checks are far way better than Home/GF official checks, but keep in mind that there could be false positives and that legality checks can be improved over time. If you want to check details of how the legality checker works, you should take a look at the PKHeX source code.

However, the Golden rule is to never edit a Pokémon that has already been in HOME and that is outside of its game of origin.
PKHeX can not check the Home server side data.

If you want to be certain of a mon legality, either do not generate or edit them, or comprehend how the inner game mechanics works.
What Home detect as illegal can't be deposited anyways.

Check the Home tracker post for more info:



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