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Hello, my question is, ¿where can I find the PPSE to be compiled?Because it isn't in the thread of PPSE and I don't know how to compile it from SVN, if it's possible. Is there a tarball or anything so?


Well, PPSE was written thus far in QT C++, so you might need to get that to compile. Then again, I don't know off the top of my head if the SVN contains QT specific libraries, so maybe any old C++ compiler would do the trick...?

This is really more of an SCV question I guess. :P


Well, I think you haven't understand. I would like to build/compile the program. I have a c++ compiler, and I know how to get the dependences. I would like to have a tarball or so, with the sources and a "configure" file, but in the SVN there's no configure.

Ahm, please note I have a PPC mac with teh Xcode c++ compiler, I've used it before, and I have macports.


Thanks, SCV. Ah, sorry, with Xcode I meant the SDK.

Some questions:

1.That qmake comes with Qt, right?

2.How do I get the package of source code? Should I get the files one by one of the SVN, or there's a tarball or so?

3.If I should get from SVN, how do organize the files, to build?

4.The commands for build are as always ./configure, make, make install, or should I use other commands?

A last thing, I'm spanish, I'm not precisely the best English speaker in the world, if I've said something wrong and you don't understand, please say it, ok?

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