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I've done a lot of googling and haven't come up with any solid answers. Akaio has that "dump sram" feature which I THOUGHT was used to backup .sav files from the game. But nope, it makes this timestamped .sav file in the root directory that's totally incompatible with the game I'm playing on the 3 in 1.

So what the hell? The sav file that was dumped is 512k, and it needs to be 128k. I've tried just getting it to load it but, yeah, incompatible.

Is there any way to convert it to a usable sav file? Did I screw up? I have a backup, but this particular save has a lot of trading I did from another game...

Could you be less precise please?

Yeah, sorry. I derp'd.

Short version is I accidentally erased a save file, but I'd done one of those Akaio sram dumps beforehand and wanted to get it to work.

I managed to find a post on gbatemp. I had to open it in a hex editor and copy everything from offset 65536 and 196592, paste it into a new hex file, then save that as the sav file to get it to work.

... so... um...

*goes back to lurking*

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