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A quick question (for PPSE)


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Hello I'm new here as well as being new to PokeSav and other extremely convenient hacking programs. I have a question at the moment. I'm currently playing Platinum on the NO$Zoomer emulator (a deviation of NO$GBA).

PPSE - I got the PPSE for Platinum, but anytime I try to add a couple Pokemon into seen/caught in the Pokedex, it screws up the SAV file. When I go into the game, my Pokemon all have HP higher than their max, yet the HP bar is in the red. Level up's also end up being glitched, gaining all sorts of random +/- stats, some of which aren't even numbers.

So that's about it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by Antoshi
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well you could just get a .pkm file for spiritomb and put it in your game with pokesav, i'm not really sure how you'll be able to play with 20 other people on wifi On your computer..:S if you want to catch him really bad maybe you could use a wild pokemon modifier code

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Can you attach a before and after save?

Okay that I can do.

Before: http://www.sendspace.com/file/eoiltw

After: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pn268i

As you can see in the After, my Pokemon's HP are all screwed up and in critical health. All I did was add Cyndaquil to the Seen and Caught lists using PPSE (since I hacked it into a box, I never actually "caught" it).

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