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bdsp decompiling/exracting assets issue

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Hello guys, first post here. I've been fiddling around with the early build of the game that dropped last week. I've managed to use assetstudio in order to extract everything from the SteamingAssets folder... but I've came across an issue when attempting to import one of the meshes or animators into unity - the animators don't seem to work at all or be recognized (stuck at .dats), and the meshes' material and texture (after extracting) aren't mapped properly to the 2d materials I have from extracting. I've seen some others here and there online using the character and pokemon models in custom Unity projects already and was wondering if I'd had to manually remap everything properly or if there's a way to just unpack things better?

It seems weird and I just probably did something wrong, and I'd be happy to hear any advice or tips on what I should do in order to get those properly set up. I've been thinking of attempting to rebuild hgss with these assets and making a custom ROM for pc.

I've been following the regular steps for extracting with the asset studio and while the rigs themselves seem to function well in unity it seems that just the materials aren't properly configured and then models look kinda weird and off.

Also, does anyone have any idea or tip on where one could look for the code itself to decompile? 


So it seems that for environment files the mapping is proper, and just characters/pokemon models and meshes are mapped incorrectly. Anyone got any idea why, or what else I can do other than hand map those? There's well over 1500 things lol

Ideally I'd want to set up my own world/level with the same assets for starters and start building from there.

Also still stuck on the whole finding some code for the scripts themselves, all I seem to get are .dat files 




My animation clips are working fine and also the UV mapping for the chibi characters are fine. My problems are the big character models and pokemon UV mappings. Does anyone have any idea about those? It seems to be all over the place for them and look really off.



Edited by morthedubi
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7 hours ago, AnomalousGray said:

You managed to extract assets? How?

I've been trying and haven't had any luck whatsoever.

Hey, I've used AssetStudio on the xci file I had. Google that, there's a github with it and a nice guide on how to use it.


Anyways, to everyone who read, my animation clips are working fine and also the UV mapping for the chibi characters are fine. My problems are the big character models and pokemon UV mappings. Does anyone have any idea about those? It seems to be all over the place for them and look really off.


Edited by morthedubi
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