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Pokemon Stadium 2 save editor

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Well, as some might know thanks to my previous posts, I accidentally overwrote my Pokemon Crystal version save, my first Pokemon save ever, in 2009. Well, that gave me more urge than ever to some how find a way to get Pokemon from the older games into the newer games, especially with the Pokemon now overwritten. (Hey, at least they would be in a portable Pokemon game format, & when HGSS came out, when put in there, in a remade version of the game they were in.) Luckily, I had set my best poke's, & even some of my not so great ones, as Registered Pokemon in good ol' Stadium 2, thus having data to build upon. (Along with my memory for stuff like some of the traded poke's OT, etc.) So, I created a formula for approximate 2nd gen to 4th gen in this thing I named, "The Pokemon Trade Project," then leaving it up to IV calculators & pokesav to get my old poke's back.

...The problem is, the calculators came up with some, "no result,"'s, thus making me have to approximate with some of the IV's I DID hev, thus making it even less close to the original thing. Plus, they would nto be in nostolgia-rific Crystal version.

So, I thought that, maybe if there was a Stadium 2 save editor, I could have the actual DV's & maybe getting the exact Pokemon I had pretty much back in Crystal, if doing so with Gameshark or something is possible. (Haven't bothered googlin' yet.)

Anyways, is there such a thing?



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