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Can Nintendo see if a pokemon is hacked?


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And if so (assuming non-31s on all IVs), are you instantly disqualfied in a tournament?

I have an issue here. I have a really bad Mesprit, and an Azelf with great IVs. I was thinking of hacking a Mesprit with my Azelf's IVs, which may not be 31/31/31/31/31/31, but they are really good. However, I know all too well that there's lots of rumors of Nintendo messing up hackers like this.

I could just avoid using it in a tournament, but I would really rather use it. Is there any way to make it look 100% legit, to where even Nintendo can't tell?

EDIT: Keyword is LEGIT. It's obviously going to be legal.

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project pokemons definition of legit is pretty much "happened in game", their definition of legal is pretty much "could have happened in game but happened via use of an outside program"

anyway, to answer your question, just use the pid/iv generater, input azelf's ivs and nature so mesprit has the same ivs as azelf but has a different pid

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I believe there is flags involved into the Pokemon as well. I thought editing a current Pokemon instead of making a new one from scratch would partially-garuntee that it would be 99.9% legit, but it almost doesn't even matter. I've never been to a tournament, so I'm not sure if they run hack tests.

i have, they do run checks

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False. Unless you have used the machine yourself at tournaments and know it inside and out (hint: you haven't), no one knows what the hack-check device checks for at tournaments.

I posted much more elequantly in the past and I'll do it again. But TLDR is "don't be a dick."

Even if your hacked Pokemon CAN pass tournament checks, that doesn't mean you should do it. At tournaments, tons of people who don't hang out on the Internet all day will be there. Little kids and casual older players, or adults with their kids who picked up Platinum on a whim. These people might not even know what an Action Replay is, let alone Pokesav or a flashcart. That means there will be a good chunk of people who don't even know that hacking is possible. Even among people who EV train, IV breed, RNG abuse, etc.. not everyone has $30-60 to spare for a flashcart and the time to learn Pokesav

Now if you use the RNG or EV train, whatever, good. Those are hinted at in-game, and those who seek out the knowledge will find it. But it's not hard to breed and EV train. Man up and do it once, at least for the tournament.

Also, reading the rules is awesome:

# Follow the rules of any tournaments that you enter.

We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. If you give us an explicit reason to believe that you are cheating or plan to cheat in a tournament, sponsored by Nintendo or otherwise, we will issue a ban.

Also the official tournament rules basically say they can DQ anyone for any or no reason whatsoever.

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